Podcast: Right to Work Pushes Obama’s Staff to Disclose Big Labor Ties

Right to Work President Mark Mix recently appeared on the Jason Lewis Show for an extensive interview on the Foundation's efforts to force the Obama Administration to reveal its close -- and apparently unethical -- ties to Big Labor insiders. Click here to listen or use the embedded player below.

Right to Work Pushes Obama Administration to Disclose Ties to Big Labor Insiders

Last Friday, Right to Work attorneys filed a federal lawsuit with the Department of Labor to force the Obama Administration to release any documents related to high-ranking officials' connections to Big Labor. Right to Work President Mark Mix recently sat down with nationally-syndicated radio host Lars Larson to discuss the Foundation’s push for greater disclosure. Click here to listen or use the embedded player below:

Worker Advocate Files Lawsuit to Force Disclosure of Administration’s Big Labor Ties

Washington, DC (November 19, 2009) – Because the Obama Administration has stonewalled a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request submitted last April, the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation filed a lawsuit today to compel the Department of Labor (DOL) to release information related to high-ranking officials’ contact with union operatives. “The Administration’s apparent involvement with union officials fatally undermines the integrity of the Department of Labor’s rule-making and administrative oversight,” said Mark Mix, president of the National Right to Work Foundation. “The public deserves to know the extent of the close ties between this Administration and organized labor bosses.”

Right to Work on Fox Business: Philadelphia Union Bosses Instigate Transit Strike

National Right to Work President Mark Mix recently appeared on Fox Business to discuss the ongoing Philadelphia transit strike:

NRTW In the News: Forced Unionism Radical Craig Becker Dangerous to Workers’ Rights

Today, President Barack Obama's nomination of pro-compulsory unionism radical Craig Becker to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is scheduled to be taken up in the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee. National Right to Work President Mark Mix warns in today's Washington Times of the grave dangers Becker's possible confirmation will pose to workers' rights:

Fox Business Video: Why Union Bosses Are Pushing for Government-Run Health Care

Right to Work President Mark Mix appeared on Fox Business yesterday to explain Big Labor's supposed opposition to the Baucus health care plan. The reality is union bosses are quietly licking their chops, because every pending proposal would hand them billions of taxpayer dollars and grease the skids for the forced unionization of the health care field:

Foundation President on Lars Larson’s National Radio Show: Obamacare Threatens to Expand Forced Unionism

Looking for a comprehensive breakdown of Obamacare's forced unionism provisions? Check out Foundation President Mark Mix's interview on the nationally-syndicated Lars Larson Show. Click here to listen or use the embeddable player below:

Obama Administration Ethics Coverup? Right to Work Foundation Responds to Labor Department Stonewalling

After President Barack Obama made numerous promises for a more transparent government, the Department of Labor (DOL) has, for nearly six months, hidden Big Labor insiders Hilda Solis and Deborah Greenfield activities from National Right to Work Foundation President Mark Mix's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

Right to Work Experts in the News: Labor Day Highlights Injustices of Compulsory Unionism

Experts from the National Right to Work Foundation and Right to Work Committee took to the airwaves and opinion pages across America to remind us what Labor Day is really about —  the individual worker. Mark Mix, president of National Right to Work, reminded Americans that "It's 'Labor' Day, Not 'Union' Day" in his nationally published op-ed which appeared in over 20 newspapers across the country.  In his article, Mix offers a stouthearted rebuke to the usual union boss propaganda which has become commonplace on Labor Day: This Labor Day, big labor bosses will dish out their usual Labor Day propaganda about how awful our lives would supposedly be without them.  The reality is that millions of workers and indeed our economy are continuing to suffer greatly under the scourge of compulsory unionism.

National Worker Advocates Issue Labor Day Statement: “Big Labor’s Political Ambitions are Unprecedented”

Washington, DC (September 4, 2009) – Mark Mix, President of the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation and National Right to Work Committee, released the following statement regarding this year’s Labor Day holiday. “This Labor Day, many Americans will enjoy a well-deserved long weekend. But as we celebrate the free-enterprise system and the value of hard work, union officials are mounting an unprecedented effort to grab more coercive power. At its core, their basic goal is simple: expand the number of workers forced to pay union dues and accept mandatory union representation just to keep their jobs. “Unfortunately, the union hierarchy’s ambitions go well beyond the scope of previous years. Now that union operatives have helped install a President who in his own words says ‘he owes these unions,’ Big Labor is focused on a series of unprecedented power grabs.