Foundation Hails NLRB Ruling: ‘An Important Step Forward in Removing the Barriers that let Union Bosses Trap Workers in Union Ranks’

National Right to Work Foundation staff attorneys represented workers seeking to remove UAW union from their workplace WASHINGTON, DC – In a victory for the rights of independent workers, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued a decision on July 3 that limits union officials ability to game the NLRB system to trap workers in monopoly union ranks following an employee petition to their employer demonstrating that a majority of the workers oppose unionization.

Final Briefs Filed at Appeals Court in Janus v. AFSCME: Case Seeks Refund of Unconstitutionally Seized Forced Union Fees

Seventh Circuit likely to be the first appellate court to rule whether nonmembers can recover dues seized in violation of First Amendment WASHINGTON, DC - Today attorneys representing Mark Janus have filed the final brief with the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit in the continuation of Janus v. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), Council 31.

Second CRH Companies Worker Illegally Fired for Refusing Union Membership Hits Teamsters and Company with Federal Charges

Federal Unfair Labor Practice charge filed after Teamsters agent misinformed worker of his rights prior to termination MINNEAPOLIS, MN - Another employee at CRH Companies Midwest Region’s Belle Plaine, MN facility has levied unfair labor practice charges against both the Teamsters Local 120 union and the company for firing him illegally upon his rejection of full union membership.

NLRB Settlement Scolds Union, Employer for Violating Michigan Workers’ Right to Work

Foundation-won settlement reaffirms workers’ rights to refuse union membership and compulsory fees in Right to Work states DETROIT, MI - With free legal aid from the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, three Michigan workers have a won a federal settlement enforcing their rights to refrain from joining a union or paying union fees as guaranteed by Michigan’s Right to Work law. The victory comes after the workers filed unfair labor practice charges against their employer and the union, Teamsters Local 20.

National Right to Work Foundation Celebrates Anniversary of Janus Decision Which Freed Public Sector Workers from Forced Union Dues

Foundation president: Union boss violations of Janus rights still widespread but Foundation will keep fighting WASHINGTON, DC - Today is the one-year anniversary of the Janus v. AFSCME Supreme Court decision – issued June 27, 2018 – which found that mandatory union payments violated the First Amendment rights of public sector workers.

National Right to Work Foundation Staff Attorney Who Argued Janus Testifies Before Congress Against Federal Forced Unionization Bill

Experienced constitutional lawyer: Congressionally-imposed monopoly bargaining for state and local government infringes on workers’ rights WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, National Right to Work Foundation staff attorney William Messenger will testify before the House Committee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions, and urge the body to reject legislative proposals that would install monopoly bargaining across all states for public sector workers.

Another Stop & Shop Worker Hits UFCW Union with Federal Charges for Illegal Threats Related to Union Boss-Ordered Strike

According to charge, UFCW bosses told other employees to conduct surveillance on and impede work of charging employee who worked during strike BOSTON, MA - Another Stop & Shop employee has turned to the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation for free legal aid in the wake of the April strike by the United Food and Commercial Workers union (UFCW) against the supermarket chain.

Medicaid Providers Move to Defend Rule Ending Illegal Union Medicaid Skim

Providers file motion to intervene after union bosses and their allied AGs filed a lawsuit seeking to block the Center for Medicaid Services’ rule to end illegal skim SAN FRANCISCO, CA (June 21, 2019) – A group of 10 Medicaid providers have moved to intervene in a recently filed federal lawsuit challenging a rule adopted by the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) that would stop union officials from skimming union dues directly out of taxpayer-funded Medicaid payments. AFSCME and SEIU union officials, and the pro-Big Labor Attorneys General of California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Oregon and Washington State, recently filed the challenge to the rule, which was adopted in May.

West Virginia Worker Submits Amicus Brief to State Supreme Court Defending Right to Work Law Against Union Boss Lawsuit

Mountain State union lawyers’ legal challenge seeks to re-impose Big Labor’s power to have workers fired for refusing to pay union dues or fees CHARLESTON, WV – National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation staff attorneys have just filed an amicus brief urging the West Virginia Supreme Court to uphold the state’s popular Right to Work law in a case challenging that law brought by a coalition of unions.

Pennsylvania Prison Guards File Lawsuit Against Union for Violating their First Amendment Rights under Janus Precedent

Guards’ lawsuit challenges scheme designed to trap them into paying dues without their consent by limiting their constitutional rights to just 15 days per contract HARRISBURG, PA (June 18, 2019) – Several Pennsylvania state prison guards have filed a class action lawsuit against their union with free legal aid from National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation staff attorneys and the Pennsylvania-based Fairness Center. The workers allege union officials’ policy and the Pennsylvania law that authorizes it violates their First Amendment rights.