Pittsburgh-Area Teen Hits UFCW Union and Giant Eagle with Religious Discrimination and Unfair Labor Practice Charges

Union sought to interrogate teenage cashier over his religious beliefs after he asserted his rights and presented religious objections to supporting the union PITTSBURGH - North Huntingdon Giant Eagle employee Josiah Leonatti – a high school student – has filed federal discrimination charges against the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 1776KS union.

Foundation Defends Grocery Employees Against Illegal Union Strike Fine Threats

Facing Foundation attorneys, UFCW union officials are dropping illegal fines DENVER, CO – Grocery store workers at King Soopers are continuing to win their legal battles against United Food and Commercial Workers Local 7 union officials’ illegal attempts to fine workers for exercising their right to work during a January UFCW strike action.

Flight Attendant Asks for Contempt Ruling Against Southwest for Violating Court Order Regarding Illegal Firing at Union’s Behest

District Court ordered Southwest to announce that airline may not discriminate on basis of religion; airline instead effectively denied wrongdoing despite jury verdict DALLAS, TX - With free legal aid from National Right to Work Foundation attorneys, Southwest Airlines flight attendant Charlene Carter is seeking sanctions against Southwest for flouting the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas’ decision in her case.

Top Down Organizing & “Neutrality” Agreements

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Chicago-Area CVS Employee Rehired After Filing Legal Action Challenging Union-Instigated Firing

Union and CVS face federal charges after UFCW officials initiated firing of worker who exercised legal right to refrain from union membership CHICAGO, IL - Evanston CVS employee Lynn Gray has won reinstatement after United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 881 union officials had her illegally fired for refusing to join the union.

Foundation Helps Healthcare Workers Remove Unwanted Unions

Evidence of union boss “serious financial malpractice” exposed as workers seek to vote out SEIU Healthcare workers in particular are seeking the Foundation’s legal aid in exercising their legal right to free themselves from union ranks. In one such ongoing case, Foundation staff attorneys assisted Crystal Harper, an employee at Detroit’s Sinai-Grace Hospital, who along with coworkers battled to oust SEIU Healthcare Michigan union officials.

Spanish Broadcasting System Radio Host Appeals Case After Labor Board Blocks Vote to Remove SAG-AFTRA Union Officials

Request for Review: In vote to remove union, NLRB Regional Director ordered employee ballots destroyed and never counted LOS ANGELES, CA - With free legal aid from the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, Spanish Broadcasting System radio host Adal Loreto is defending his and his coworkers’ right to vote unwanted Stage Actors’ Guild (SAG-AFTRA) union officials out of their workplace.

Austin Minnesota Mayo Clinic Support Staff Vote Overwhelmingly to End Forced Union Dues Requirement

Austin Minnesota Mayo Clinic Support Staff Vote Overwhelmingly to End Forced Union Dues Requirement AUSTIN, MN – "We are so happy with the way the election turned out,” Mayo Clinic Austin patient care specialist Erin Krulish commented. “I think it really shows that all of us came together to show the union that we don’t want to keep paying them when they are doing nothing for us.”

Foundation Client Wins $5.1 Million Verdict After Union Boss-Instigated Firing

Trial exposed emails advocating ‘targeted assassinations’ of union critics DALLAS, TX – Ex-Southwest Airlines flight attendant Charlene Carter prevailed in a federal jury trial in her lawsuit against the Transportation Workers Union of America Local 556 union and Southwest. She charged both the company and union with illegally firing her for opposing the political activities of the union hierarchy, and with discriminating against her religious beliefs.

Morris Tri-State Asphalt Workers Decisively Vote Out Teamsters Union Officials

Recently workers in New York, California, and New Jersey have also successfully freed themselves of unwanted Teamsters “representation” CHICAGO, IL - Morris-based Tri-State Asphalt employee Brent Johnson and his coworkers have successfully voted Teamsters Local 179 union officials out of their workplace, following Johnson’s filing of a worker-backed petition earlier this month requesting a vote to remove the Teamsters union.