Worker Advocate Seeks Unpublished NLRB Report and Additional Disclosures Over Labor Board’s Apparent Recusal Double Standard

The National Right to Work Foundation, a charitable organization that provides free legal assistance to employees nationwide, today submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), asking for information regarding the NLRB’s standards for recusal and the Board’s determination to reconsider and vacate a recent decision.

West Virginia Resort Worker Files Unfair Labor Practice Charge After Union Officials Illegally Take His Money

Greenbrier employee’s case demonstrates tactics used by union bosses to extort forced dues White Sulphur Springs, WV- A Greenbrier Hotel employee has filed a federal unfair labor practice charge with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) against Laborers’ International Union of North America, Local 1182. Reginald Gibbs filed the charge with free legal representation provided […]

Chicago Utility Worker Appeals Labor Board Case Against Union Officials for Illegal Forced Dues for Politics

Unfair labor practice charges allege union officials failed to follow Supreme Court precedent providing for disclosure to workers of how forced dues are spent Chicago, IL (August 22 , 2017) – A Chicago worker, assisted by National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation staff attorneys, has appealed the dismissal of federal unfair labor practice charges […]

Blog Post: Big Labor-Backed Senator Pushing Double Standard on NLRB Recusals

In a recent post on the Federalist Society website, National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation Vice President Legal Director Ray LaJeunesse responded to demands by Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass) that Trump’s lone remaining current NLRB nominee recuse himself from numerous potential cases: “Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) has suggested that Emanuel should ‘also sit out […]

Special Notice for AT&T Employees Represented by the Communications Workers of America (CWA)

Multiple media outlets are reporting that officials of the Communications Workers of America (CWA) have ordered AT&T employees out on strike starting at 3:00 PM EST May 19, 2017. The situation raises serious concerns for employees who believe there is much to lose from a union-ordered strike. Employees have the right under federal labor law […]

Special Notice for AT&T Employees: CWA Sample Letter

SAMPLE LETTER ==================== [Date] ____, 2017 Ms. Elizabeth Welks, Agency Fee Administrator Communications Workers of America 501 Third St., N. W. Washington, D.C. 20001-2797 Secretary-Treasurer CWA Local ______ [Address] Dear Agency Fee Administrator: Effective immediately, I resign from any membership obligation that I may have with CWA. I have learned that I am not required […]

Chicago Utility Employee Files Unfair Labor Practice Charges Against Union Officials for Illegal Dues Seizures

A Chicago worker, assisted by National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation staff attorneys, has filed federal charges against the Utility Workers Union of America (UWUA) and UWUA Local 18007. The charges were filed with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) Region 13 office in Chicago.

Security Guard Union Hit With Federal Charges For Illegal Demand That Worker Be Fired

With free legal assistance from National Right to Work Foundation staff attorneys, a Eureka-area worker has filed federal unfair labor practice charges against the International Union of Security Police and Fire Professionals of America (SPFPA) Local 247 for illegally demanding the security guard be terminated.

Labor Board to Prosecute Flying Food Group for Illegally Firing Worker for Opposition to Union Dues

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has issued a complaint against Flying Food Group for illegally firing a worker as retribution for distributing a deauthorization petition that would remove the forced unionism clause in its union contract and informing co-workers of their right not to pay for union activities unrelated to bargaining. The complaint was issued after NLRB investigators found merit to charges filed against the Flying Food Group by National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation staff attorneys for the worker, Douglas Cisneros.

About Your Legal Rights: Public School or College Employee

The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation defends America's workers against the abuses of compulsory unionism. To learn your rights as a public school teacher or college professor, click on any of the following questions: Questions & Answers Can I be required to be a union member or pay dues to a union? If I work in a Right to Work state, can I resign my union membership and cut off any further dues collections from my salary? How can I resign my union membership? How do I cut off the use of my dues for politics and other nonbargaining activities? If I do not work in a Right to Work State, how can I stop paying all union dues? What if I have religious objections to joining or financially supporting a union? What if I am a victim of union violence? What if I want to work during a strike? If I believe my rights have been violated by compulsory unionism abuses, can I file my own unfair labor practice charges against the union or the employer with a state agency? What are my rights if the union is conducting a "Card Check" organizing drive at my workplace? Legal Notices Special Legal Notice to California Teachers: How to Get at Least a $300 refund of CTA Nonbargaining Expenses Information for class members in Hoirup v. Professional Engineers in California Government Special Legal Notice to Washington Teachers: Get your $200 WEA dues refund Issue Briefing Papers Decertification Election Deauthorization Election Public Sector Decertification Laws (as of 8/2010) Public Sector Deauthorization Laws (as of 8/2010) Can Union Bosses Punish You" - Union Discipline and Employee Rights An Employee's Guide to Union Dues and Religious Do Nots The tip of the iceberg: PACs & The Forced-dues Base of Big Labor's Political Machine Are You Funding Your Union’s Federal PAC (Political Action Committee) Unknowingly or Against Your Will? Union Bosses Richer After Campaign "Reform": The Impact of Initiative 134 in Washington State Catholic Social Teaching and the Right to Work Employees in Right to Work States Policy Analysis: The Permissible Use of Forced Union Dues From Hanson to Beck Legal Analysis of Nebraska Legislative Bill 226 Big Labor’s Top Ten Special Privileges Big Labor's Massive Political Machine Projects Spotlight on Top Down Organizing: Big Labor's War Against Employee Free Choice Concerned Educators Against Forced Unionism (CEAFU)