Unionized Probation Officers Win Refunds in Federal Suit over Free Speech Rights

Rochester, NY (April 24, 2012) – Four Monroe County probation officers have won relief in their protracted federal legal battle against two government unions for violating their First Amendment rights.The four officers, led by David Scheffer, filed the suit with free legal aid from National Right to Work Foundation attorneys.The probation officers sued Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) union and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) union for deliberately violating their First Amendment rights by seizing forced union dues from their paychecks for illegal union expenditures. The officers charged that union officials were spending their forced dues on union organizing drives, despite the officers' objections.

Obama Administration Sides with Union Bosses Over Workers in Federal Court Case on Backroom Union Deals

Hollywood, FL (April 19, 2012) – The Obama administration is weighing in on a worker’s protracted, precedent-setting federal legal victory against a local union and Mardi Gras Gaming.The case stems from a legal challenge initiated by Mardi Gras Gaming groundskeeper Martin Mulhall with free legal assistance from the National Right to Work Foundation.In 2008, Mardi Gras officials entered into an agreement with Unite Here Local 355 union officials promising that they would hand over employees' personal contact information (including home addresses), grant union operatives access to company facilities for the purpose of organizing through a coercive card check campaign, and refrain from speaking about the downsides of unionization. In return, Unite Here Local 355 union officials expended over one hundred thousand dollars to support a gambling ballot initiative and guaranteed not to picket, boycott, or strike against the facility.

Another Osceola Hospital Employee Comes Forward, Hits SEIU with Federal Charge

Kissimmee, FL (April 19, 2012) – An Osceola Regional Medical Center employee has joined two of her colleagues and filed a federal charge against a major healthcare union for repeatedly violating federal law by refusing to allow her and her coworkers to exercise their right to refrain from dues-paying union membership under Florida's popular Right to Work law.With free legal assistance from the National Right to Work Foundation, the worker filed the charge with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).In December 2011, she sent a letter notifying Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Healthcare Workers East officials that she was exercising her right to resign from union membership. Instead of acknowledging her request, SEIU officials rejected her letter because it was not "timely." Moreover, the union continues to confiscate union dues from the workers's paycheck.

Auto Parts Worker Wins Settlement after Union Threatened to have him Fired

Wooster, OH (April 12, 2012) – With free legal assistance from National Right to Work Foundation attorneys, a ArtiFlex Manufacturing employee has won a settlement from a local union for violating his and his coworkers’ rights. In October 2011, Shreve-based United Steelworkers (USW) Local 1-801 union officials illegally threatened Dave Monahan and his colleagues with termination if they refused to formally join the union. Union officials neglected to inform Artiflex workers of their rights to refrain from formal union membership and the payment of full union dues. In the Right to Work Foundation’s Communications Workers v. Beck Supreme Court case, the Court held that union officials cannot compel nonmember workers to pay the portion of union dues used for political, lobbying, and member-only activities.

Cleaning Service Union Sweeps Workers’ Rights Under the Rug

Boston, MA (April 6, 2012) – Workers caught in a battle between a local union and Lynn-based Complete Cleaning, Inc. are fighting back.With free legal assistance from the National Right to Work Foundation, Jairo Hernandez of Lynn filed federal charges against Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 615 after union officials claimed to have monopoly bargaining privileges over the workplace with only a handful of signatures from workers supporting the union.Hernandez filed the charges for himself and his coworkers with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) regional office in Boston.SEIU Local 615 officials claim monopoly bargaining privileges over Complete Cleaning's workers even though workers nearly unanimously oppose the union hierarchy in their workplace. Under federal law, it is illegal for a union to claim monopoly bargaining status over a workplace without majority employee support.

Indiana Workers Ask to File Amicus Brief Defending Hoosier Right to Work Law

Hammond, IN (April 2, 2012) – Today, a group of Indiana workers from across the state filed a motion for leave to file an amicus brief in federal court in support of their newly-enacted Right to Work freedoms. With free legal assistance from the National Right to Work Foundation, the four workers – David Bercot, a certified wastewater operator for ITR Concession Company which services Indiana toll road rest stops in the Fort Wayne-area; Joel Tibbetts, a Minteq International assistant manager in Valparaiso; Douglas Richards, an employee with Goshen-based Cequent Towing Products; and Larry Getts, a Dana Holding Corporation tube press technician in Albion – all joined in the brief defending the law against a union-boss challenge.

IUOE Union Bosses Face Federal Charges for Nixing Union Financial Disclosure

Indianapolis, IN (March 30, 2012) – A union headquartered in suburban Chicago that is challenging Indiana's newly-enacted Right to Work law in federal court is again facing legal woes for violating workers' rights.National Right to Work Foundation attorneys are providing free legal assistance to David Bercot of Orland, a certified wastewater operator for the ITR Concession Company, which services toll road rest stops in the Fort Wayne area. Bercot has field federal unfair labor practice charges against International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) Local 150 for refusing to provide him information about union financial expenditures.Bercot must accept IUOE officials' so-called "representation" and is still required to pay dues to the union to keep his job until the union's current contract expires, after which he will be freed from that requirement by Indiana’s new Right to Work law.

Right to Work Foundation Attorneys File Motion to Intervene in Circuit Court to Challenge Obama’s ‘Recess’ NLRB Appointments

Washington, DC (March 26, 2012) – With the help of National Right to Work Foundation attorneys, seven workers moved to intervene in a D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals case that could determine if President Obama’s recent recess appointments to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) are constitutional. John Lugo, Douglas Richards, David Yost, Connie Gray, Karen Medley, and Janette and Tommy Fuentes are all involved in cases pending before the Board. They seek to intervene in a federal court appeal from a recent NLRB decision which presents the issue of whether the Board had the required three-member quorum to make a ruling.

Hospital Union Officials Face Federal Charges for Disclosure Malpractice

Pleasanton, California (March 23, 2012) – A Kaiser Pleasanton Clinic nurse has filed federal unfair labor practice charges against a local union for violating her rights.With free legal assistance from the National Right to Work Foundation, Donna Von der Lieth of San Ramon filed the charges with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).Von der Lieth sent a letter to California Nurses Association (CNA) union officials resigning from formal union membership and invoked her right to refrain from paying full union dues in September 2011. However, because CNA union officials enjoy monopoly bargaining privileges over her workplace, and because California does not have state Right to Work protections for its workers, Von der Lieth is forced to accept CNA union officials' "representation" and pay union fees as a condition of employment.

Employee from Non-Profit Public Defense Firm Defends Her Rights from SEIU Union Hierarchy

Seattle, WA (March 20, 2012) – An employee at a private, non-profit public defense law firm has filed federal unfair labor practice charges against a Seattle-area union for violating her rights.With free legal assistance from National Right to Work Foundation attorneys, Society of Counsel Representing Accused Persons employee Stephanie Kalfayan filed the charges Friday with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) regional office in Seattle.Kalfayan resigned from formal union membership in Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 925 and invoked her right to refrain from paying full union dues. However, because SEIU Local 925 officials enjoy monopoly bargaining privileges over her workplace, and because Washington does not have state Right to Work protections for its workers, Kalfayan is forced to accept SEIU officials' "representation" and pay union fees as a condition of employment.