Sample Union Resignation Letter for Private Sector Employees

A sample union resignation letter is provided below. [LETTER TO UNION: SEND BY CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED] [your address] [date] [name and address of union] [To the appropriate union officer (See your union constitution. For the Teamsters, for example, the letter must be addressed to the Secretary-Treasurer)]: I hereby resign as a member of […]

¿Cómo puedo evitar que se usen mis cuotas para actividades políticas y otras no relacionadas con la negociación?

Pregunta ¿Cómo puede evitar que se usen mis cuotas para actividades políticas y otras no relacionadas con la negociación? [ATENCIÓN: Usted tiene que ser un no miembro para aprovechar los derechos detallados en esta página. Si actualmente es miembro del sindicato, primero tiene que dejar de ser miembro y luego objetar para poder recibir un […]

Special Bulletin for Employees of Federal Contractors and Subcontractors

On February 17, 2001, President George W. Bush issued an executive order that requires all employers that have federal government contracts involving more than $100,000 (and their subcontractors) and collective bargaining agreements requiring union membership or payment of union fees as a condition of employment to post notices informing their employees of their rights under […]

Special Bulletin for Employees of Federal Contractors and Subcontractors

On February 17, 2001, President George W. Bush issued an executive order that requires all employers that have federal government contracts involving more than $100,000 (and their subcontractors) and collective bargaining agreements requiring union membership or payment of union fees as a condition of employment to post notices informing their employees of their rights under […]