Foundation Brief to Court of Appeals: Lower Court’s Decision Conflicts with SCOTUS’ Janus Ruling

National Right to Work Foundation attorneys filed an amicus brief in Littler v. OAPSE with the Sixth Circuit Court of AppealsThe National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation filed an amicus brief with the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals on April 5. The brief was filed in Littler v. OAPSE, brought by plaintiff Christina Littler.

Phoenix CenturyLink Employee Wins Federal Case Charging CWA Union with Illegal Dues Seizures

CWA officials illegally refused worker’s membership resignation and request to stop dues deductions PHOENIX, AZ - CenturyLink Communications employee Adrianna Delatorre has forced Communications Workers of America (CWA) Local 7019 union officials to back down in her federal case, in which she charged them with seizing dues money illegally from her wages.

Lucas County Employees Win Back Unconstitutionally Seized Money from AFSCME Union

Employees exercised constitutional right to stop funding union activities, but union-imposed restriction blocked exercise of right for over 90 percent of year TOLEDO, OH - Three Lucas County Job and Family Services (JFS) employees have emerged victorious in their federal civil rights lawsuit against the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Ohio Council 8 union.

Seneca Foods Employees Send Teamsters Union Officials Packing

Wisconsin food processing workers oust Teamsters Local 695 after a majority of employees vote to remove the unionSeneca Foods employees in Oakfield, Wisconsin, have overwhelmingly voted to free themselves from the unwanted so-called “representation” of Teamsters Local 695.

Connecticut Bus Driver Slams Teamsters Union with Federal Charges for Violating Beck Rights

Teamsters union officials illegally force school bus driver to pay for union political activities. NEW MILFORD, CT– Connecticut school bus driver Mary Boland has filed federal charges against Teamsters Local 671 union after union officials violated her rights, as established under the Foundation-won U.S. Supreme Court Beck decision, by illegally charging her union dues in excess of what she must pay in order to keep her job.

Kroger Worker Forced to Pay UFCW Union Bosses After Dues Card Altered…Without Her Knowledge

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Iowa-Based Donaldson Company Employees Win Refunds in Case Against UAW Union for Illegal Union Dues Seizures

UAW union must now pay back hundreds to workers who charged union officials with rejecting requests to leave union and cut off dues CRESCO, IA - Four employees of air filter manufacturer Donaldson have prevailed in their federal case against United Auto Workers (UAW) Local 120 union officials, whom they charged with seizing union dues illegally from their paychecks.

National Right to Work Foundation Issues Special Legal Notices to Michigan Workers After Right to Work Repeal

Michigan workers can still reject union boss demands to formally join union and fund union ideological activities WASHINGTON, DC - The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation has issued special legal notices to private and public sector workers in Michigan, following the Michigan Legislature’s repeal of the state’s popular Right to Work protections.

Workers Nationwide Continue Efforts to Oust Steelworkers Officials

Successful ousters in Louisiana and New Jersey emphasize importance of protecting worker votes WASHINGTON, DC – In the space of just a month, National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation staff attorneys successfully aided groups of workers in New Jersey and Louisiana in voting out United Steelworkers union officials they opposed. The National Labor Relations Board certified both votes.

New Jersey Energy Workers Win Bid to Remove Unwanted Union

So-called ‘SMART’ Local 137 union officials disclaim representation rather than face a decertification vote of rank-and-file workers. Calmac Corp employee Carlos Flores and his coworkers have won their effort to free themselves of the Sheet Metal, Air, Rail, and Transportation (“SMART”) Local 137 union. The worker’s decertification effort recently became official when the SMART Local 137 union officials preemptively “disclaimed” interest in representing the Calmac Corp workers, rather than face a vote on whether to remove the union.