Fort Jackson Security Guard Takes Courageous Stand Against Repeated Union Boss Threats and Abuses

Columbia, South Carolina (October 30, 2009) – A local employee of Wackenhut Services, Inc, a security service provider contracted with Fort Jackson, is fighting back against compulsory unionism after union officials illegally attempted to have him fired from his job for refusing to pay forced union dues. In September 2008, Ronald I. Paul filed unfair labor practice charges with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) challenging Wackenhut and International Union, Security, Police and Fire Professionals of America (SPFPA) and its affiliated Local 339 union bosses after Wackenhut fired him in August 2008 for refraining from formal, dues paying union membership.  The charges were eventually settled in December of 2008 and Paul continued his employment.

Podcast: Right to Work Warns of Big Labor NLRB Appointees

National Right to Work Committee Legislative Director Greg Mourad sits down with Breitbart TV to discuss Craig Becker, Obama's radical nominee to the National Labor Relations Board. Click here to listen or use the embeddable player below:

Employees Slap Teamster Bosses with Federal Charges for Blocking Their Attempt to Stop Paying Full Union Dues

Jackson, MI (October 28, 2009) – With free legal assistance from the National Right to Work Foundation, three local employees have filed unfair labor practice charges against the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 164 union for obstructing their attempts to opt-out of forced union dues. Michael Vetrovec, Robert Harris, and Larry Kunk are employed by Perfection Associates L.L.C. in Jackson, Michigan. All three employees object to Teamster membership and attempted to opt-out of paying full union dues. Because Michigan lacks a Right to Work law, employees can be forced to pay certain union dues as a condition of employment. But the Foundation-won Supreme Court decision Communication Workers v. Beck guarantees the right of workers to opt-out of forced dues intended for purposes other than workplace bargaining, including lobbying, political activism, and members-only activities.

Wall Street Journal Warns of «ACORN’s Ally at the NLRB»

Though it doesn't get nearly as much attention as other high-profile appointments, President Obama has recently nominated several new members to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), a federal agency which oversees private sector labor relations and the federal policy of forced unionism. These appointments have far-reaching implications for employee freedom, so it's important that NLRB nominees are thoroughly vetted before they take office.

Nurse Hits Union Brass with Unfair Labor Practice Charges for Illegal Forced Dues Scheme

Warwick, RI (September 23, 2009) – With free legal aid from the National Right to Work Foundation, a Kent Hospital nurse has filed federal unfair labor practice charges against a local nursing union for illegally attempting to coerce her and other employees into formal, full-dues paying membership. The charges come just as the nurses are seeking an election to strip the United Nurses and Allied Professionals (UNAP) Local 5008 union hierarchy of all power to compel dues payments as a job condition.

Employees File Federal Class Action Suit to Halt Abusive Mandatory Union Dues Scheme

Employees File Federal Class Action Suit to Halt Abusive Mandatory Union Dues Scheme Right to Work Foundation helps employees challenge national union’s illegal “annual objection” policy Aberdeen, MD (September 21, 2009) – Today, two employees filed a class action federal suit challenging the International Association of Machinist and Aerospace Workers (IAM) union’s nationwide policy requiring employees to object year after year to paying union dues they cannot be lawfully forced to pay.

Employees File Federal Class Action Suit to Halt Abusive Mandatory Union Dues Scheme

Aberdeen, Maryland (September 21, 2009) – Today, two employees filed a class action federal suit challenging the International Association of Machinist and Aerospace Workers (IAM) union’s nationwide policy requiring employees to object year after year to paying union dues they cannot be lawfully forced to pay. With free legal aid from the National Right to Work Foundation, Jacobs Technology Incorporated employees Rick Gorham and Robert Negosta are challenging the IAM union officials’ scheme intended to thwart non-union members’ legal rights to refrain from paying union dues for union electioneering and other non-bargaining activities. Foundation attorneys filed the complaint in Maryland’s U.S. District Court on behalf of the two employees and all of Jacobs Technology’s other similarly-situated employees.

School Bus Drivers Force AFSCME Union Officials to Respect Their Rights

Indianapolis, IN (September 16, 2009) – With free legal aid from the National Right to Work Foundation, three bus drivers have forced union officials to halt their unfair labor practices after union officials rebuffed the workers’ attempts to opt out of union membership and forced them to pay fees spent for union electioneering and other objectionable activities. In the Foundation-won Communication Workers of America v. Beck (1988) decision, the U.S. Supreme Court held that union officials can lawfully compel nonmembers to pay union dues as a job condition, but not the part of dues spent for activities like political activism, lobbying, and member-only events. However, these limited rights have been difficult to enforce, which adds further strength to the case for a state Right to Work law to end the abusive practice of forcing workers to pay dues or be fired.

AT&T Worker Hits Union Bosses With Federal Charges for Illegal Forced Dues Demands

Mayville, WI (July 28, 2009) – With free legal assistance from the National Right to Work Foundation, a Mayville-based AT&T employee has filed federal unfair labor practice charges against a local union for a series of illegal demands. In charges filed last Friday at the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), John Scott of Campbellsport, Wisconsin details a litany of abuses involving the Communications Workers of America (CWA) Local 4622 union and its national affiliate, including an illegal attempt to force workers to continue to pay dues after the union’s contract with their employer expired. Union officials’ previous agreement with AT&T contained a provision requiring nonmember employees to pay certain union dues or be fired from their jobs, but now that the agreement has lapsed, nonunion workers cannot be compelled to pay any dues whatsoever.

Workers Slap Communications Union Bosses With Federal Charges for Illegal Forced Dues Demands

St. Louis, MO (July 23, 2009) – With free legal assistance from National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation attorneys, two St. Louis-based AT&T employees have filed federal unfair labor practice charges against union officials for illegal coercion. The charges outline a series of abuses involving Communication Workers of America (CWA) Local 6300 union and its national affiliate, including an illegal attempt to force one worker to participate in a general strike. These allegations come on the heels of similar charges filed by AT&T employees in New Jersey, who also report that CWA militants attempted to force them to participate in an upcoming work stoppage.