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National Right to Work Foundation Issues Legal Notice to Starbucks Employees as Multiple Locations Seek to Boot Unions

Notice contains details on how employees can petition for union decertification vote, as well as how to resign membership and cut off dues WASHINGTON, DC - After being in contact with multiple Starbucks workers, the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation today issued a special legal notice to Starbucks employees who are interested in removing union control in their workplace.

National Right to Work Foundation Attorney Testifies Before Congress, Spotlighting NLRB Push for Coercive ‘Card Check’

Experienced worker attorney blasts NLRB effort to rewrite the law to eliminate secret ballot votes & trap workers in unions they opposeToday, National Right to Work Foundation staff attorney Aaron Solem will testify in front of the House Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions chaired by Representative Bob Good.

PHL Guava & Java Employees Overcome ‘Widespread Union Intimidation Campaign,’ Vote Out Union

Guava & Java workers in the Philadelphia Airport vote overwhelmingly to remove union despite reported intimidation campaign by union agents.Workers at the Guava & Java store in the Philadelphia Airport have voted to remove the UNITE HERE Local 274 union by an overwhelming majority.

Grand Rapids TerryBerry Workers Vote to Remove Unwanted Machinists Union from Workplace

Once final, vote to boot IAM union officials strips union of ability to impose forced dues in wake of Right to Work repeal legislationWorkers at the TerryBerry Company in Michigan recently voted to remove International Association of Machinist of Aerospace Engineers (IAM) District Lodge 60/Local Lodge 475 union officials’ forced representation powers. A petition filed by Mary Soltysiak with the National Labor Relations Board Region 7 (NLRB) led to this successful vote. Soltysiak received free legal aid from the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation.

Second Group of Mankato Mayo Clinic Employees Petition for Vote to Oust Union from Workplace

Nursing support staff and others in 200-person unit demand vote to remove AFSCME union officials after nurses voted MNA union out last summer MANKATO, MN - Less than a year after Mankato Mayo Clinic nurses voted the Minnesota Nurses Association (MNA) union out of the facility, Mankato Mayo nursing support staff, clerical staff, and environmental staff are undertaking a similar effort.

Starbucks Roastery Workers Move to Oust Union after One Year

NYC Starbucks employees file petition to decertify SEIU union affiliate after just one year under the union’s compulsory ‘representation’A Starbucks Reserve Roastery worker in Chelsea, Manhattan recently filed a petition for a vote on whether to remove NY-NJ Regional Joint Board, an affiliate of Service Employees International Union (SEIU). The petition, submitted with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), was filed by Kevin Caesar. Caesar is receiving free legal aid from National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation staff attorneys.

Alaskan Factory Workers Overwhelmingly Vote to Remove Unwanted Union Monopoly ‘Representation’

Spenard Building Supply employees vote 17-6 to oust Pacific Northwest Regional Counsel of Carpenters union officials. Workers at the Spenard Building Supply factory recently voted to remove the Pacific Northwest Regional Counsel of Carpenters union by an overwhelming majority. A petition filed by Scot Breuer with the National Labor Relations Board Region 19 (NLRB) led to this successful vote. Breuer received free legal aid from the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation.

Oakland County Employee Slams Union with Federal Charges Over Illegal Seizure of Dues

As Right to Work repeal looms, Milford, Michigan, Kroger employee challenges UFCW union membership form designed to coerce dues deductionsMichigan Kroger employee Roger Cornett recently filed a federal unfair labor practice charge with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) against United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 876.

Orlando Airport Fueling Employees Successfully Oust USWU Union Officials Who Tried to Stop Union Decertification Vote

USWU outrageously claimed that vote among approximately 1,000 PrimeFlight employees across country was necessary to boot union just at Orlando Airport ORLANDO, FL - Robert Anderson and his fellow PrimeFlight Aviation Services fueling employees at Orlando International Airport have successfully ousted United Service Workers Union (USWU) Local 74 union officials from their workplace.