Majority of Mankato Mayo Clinic Support Employees Vote to Remove AFSCME Union Officials

Nursing support staff and others in 186-person unit vote to remove AFSCME union following nurses’ vote to remove MNA union last summer MANKATO, MN - A majority of nursing support staff, clerical staff, and environmental staff at Mankato Mayo Clinic have voted to remove American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 1856 union officials from power at the hospital.

Philadelphia Public Defender Wins Case Against UAW for Illegal Union Dues Deduction Scheme

Union officials settles to avoid NLRB prosecution after threatening workers to reduce wages. To avoid a federal prosecution for illegal threats against workers, including to reduce the wages of workers who didn’t sign union dues deduction cards, United Autoworkers (UAW) Local 5502 union officials backed down and entered into an NLRB settlement.

Anaheim Assa Abloy Worker Seeks Federal Court Order Against IBEW Union for Instigating Illegal Termination

Federal law prohibits conditioning employment on union membership, yet IBEW bosses demanded firing after worker refrained from joining union LOS ANGELES, CA - An Anaheim-based employee of automated door manufacturer Assa Abloy is hitting the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 441 union and his employer with federal charges, maintaining that union officials unlawfully instigated his firing because he abstained from union membership.

Starbucks Worker Asks Labor Board to Review Order Denying Vote to Remove Unwanted Union

Request for Review to full National Labor Relations Board says Regional Director erred in dismissing workers’ petition.National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation staff attorneys have filed a Request for Review with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) in Washington, D.C.

San Diego Gompers Preparatory Academy Charter School Educators Vote Out SDEA Union

Gompers teachers sought to remove union as early as 2019, but union bosses stymied last attempt with unproven allegations and pressure from elected officials SAN DIEGO, CA - Teachers at Gompers Preparatory Academy, a public charter school in the Chollas View neighborhood of San Diego, have successfully voted to remove San Diego Education Association (SDEA) union bosses from the school.

Foundation Helps Fight Underhanded SEIU Tactics to Trap Starbucks Workers in Union

Mark Mix discusses with Newsmax TV’s Chris Salcedo the new efforts by Starbucks workers to escape union ranks after being targeted with aggressive unionization strategies – including «salting,» in which union organizers obtain jobs at non-union workplaces just to agitate and get a union installed.

National Right to Work Foundation Blasts FLRA Ruling Trapping Blue Ridge Parkway Employees in Union

FLRA merged two work units at union officials’ behest with no worker input, now cites merger to deny worker request for vote to remove union WASHINGTON, DC - The National Right to Work Foundation today blasted a Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) ruling barring a group of National Park Service (NPS) employees from exercising their right to vote American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) union officials out of power at their workplace.

CUNY Professors’ Lawsuit Challenging Forced Association with Antisemitism-Linked Union Continues at Second Circuit

City University professors challenge NY law that forces them to be represented by hostile union hierarchy NEW YORK, NY - Six City University of New York (CUNY) professors have taken their federal civil rights lawsuit against Professional Staff Congress (PSC) union officials to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals.

Starbucks Worker’s Brief: Proceed with Vote to Remove Union Opposed by Majority of Workers

Labor Board asked to reject union-backed move to disenfranchise majority of workers who petitioned for decertification election.National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation staff attorneys have filed a brief with National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) Region 2 asking the NLRB not to dismiss the worker-led decertification effort.

Foundation Issues Statement on Glacier Northwest SCOTUS Decision

“Ultimately, this case shows how far courts and lawmakers have to go in order to level the playing field and stop allowing union bosses to play by a different set of rules from those that apply to all other citizens and private entities.”