Employee Advocate Blasts Proposed Labor Department Rule Rigging Visa Program in Favor of Union Organizers

National Right to Work Foundation Comments: DOL lacks authority to enforce pro-union boss regulation over temporary agricultural workers WASHINGTON, DC - The National Right to Work Foundation has submitted comments with the Department of Labor opposing the agency’s slated rule to impose portions of federal labor law favorable to union bosses on temporary agricultural employees.

Overwhelming Majority of Bethlehem, PA, Hygrade Metal Workers Vote to Remove Steelworkers Union Bosses

With landslide 15-3 vote against union, Hygrade workers join other PA-based metal workers who ousted the Steelworkers union this year BETHLEHEM, PA - Metal workers at Hygrade Metal Moulding Manufacturing, a Bethlehem-based metal fabricator, have voted 15-3 to remove unpopular Steelworkers union officials from their facility.

Philadelphia Starbucks Workers File Petition Demanding Vote to Remove SBWU Union

Union already voted out by Good Karma Café workers, now union bosses may face second rejection by Philly employees in just months PHILADELPHIA, PA - An employee of Starbucks at 600 S. 9th St. in Philadelphia filed a petition with National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) Region 4, asking the federal agency to hold a vote at his workplace to remove (or “decertify”) the Starbucks Workers United (SBWU) union.

Piscataway L’Oreal Employee Says RWDSU Union Boss Threats and Misinformation Undermined Vote to Oust Union

Worker’s objections to election assert that union bosses threatened employees critical of union and sowed racial division; new election sought PISCATAWAY, NJ - Ana Maria Hoyos Lopez, an employee of L’Oreal USA Products, is asking for a rerun election based on charges that Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU-UFCW) Local 262 officials interfered in a vote she and her coworkers requested to remove the union.

Max Finkelstein Workers Across East Coast Force RWDSU Union to Abandon 500+ Employee Unit

Work unit spans several states; union bosses disclaimed interest after Winchester, VA-based worker submitted enough employee signatures for ouster vote WINCHESTER, VA - Employees of tire wholesaler Max Finkelstein from Virginia to Maine have successfully freed themselves from the control of Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU) officials.

National Right to Work Foundation Urges SCOTUS to Reverse NLRB Decision Letting ILA Union Wipe Out Nonunion Port Jobs

Amicus brief: ILA union strategy to gain control over all jobs at Charleston, SC’s Leatherman Terminal will likely lead to termination of 270 port workers WASHINGTON, DC - Today, the National Right to Work Foundation filed an amicus brief at the U.S. Supreme Court in South Carolina Ports Authority (SCPA) v. National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).

Worker Who Criticized Union Official Defeats Attempt to Slap Him with Restraining Order

Worker also challenged unconstitutional Puerto Rico laws mandating union membership and dues payment SAN JUAN, PR - A Puerto Rico Trial Court has dismissed charges from a chapter president of the Unión Independiente Auténtica De Los Empleados De La Autoridad de Acueductos y Alcantarillados (UIA) that sought to foist a restraining order on Reynaldo Cruz, an employee of the Puerto Rican Aqueduct and Sewer Authority (PRASA).

Seattle Mariners Retail Employee Challenges Seattle NLRB Officials’ Refusal to Certify Overwhelming Vote Against Union

By not certifying vote of over 80+ percent against UFCW, NLRB Region 19 officials permit union to dodge legal consequences of losing vote SEATTLE, WA - Following an overwhelming workplace vote to remove United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) union officials, Seattle Mariners MLB retail employee Tami Kecherson filed a Request for Review defending the election result at the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) in Washington, DC.

Federal Charge: East Bay-Area Construction Materials Worker Illegally Fired for Refusing to Join Union

NLRB investigating IUOE union bosses for retaliatory termination and seizing dues from employee’s paycheck in violation of longstanding law PLEASANTON, CA - Alexandra Le, an employee of Pleasanton-based materials testing company Construction Testing Services (CTS), has hit International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) officials and CTS with federal charges.

Oklahoma City Starbucks Employees Latest to Demand Vote to Remove SBWU Union from Workplace

One year after highly publicized unionization efforts, workers from coffee shops in at least seven different states move to remove SBWU OKLAHOMA CITY, OK - An employee of a Starbucks store in the Nichols Hills neighborhood of Oklahoma City has submitted a petition to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) asking the federal agency to hold a vote among her colleagues to remove the Starbucks Workers United (SBWU) union from the workplace.