Special Notice for Hyatt Employees Represented by the UNITE HERE

Officials of the UNITE HERE have ordered Hyatt employees out on strike in West Hollywood, Calif., Chicago, San Francisco and Honolulu. The situation raises serious concerns for employees who believe there is much to lose from a union-ordered strike. Employees have the right under federal labor law to rebuff union officials’ strike demands, but it is important for you to get informed before you do so. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO WORK DURING A STRIKE READ ALL OF THIS SPECIAL NOTICE BEFORE RETURNING TO WORK - IT MIGHT SAVE YOU THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS! UNITE HERE union officials have a decades long history of disciplining, fining and abusing workers who do not kow-tow to their dictates. Union Officials Attempt to Have Hotel Worker Fired for Exercising Workplace Rights

Notificación especial para los empleados de Hyatt representados por UNITE HERE

Los funcionarios de UNITE HERE han ordenado a los empleados de Hyatt a declararse en huelga. La situación plantea serias inquietudes para los empleados que piensan que tienen mucho que perder en una huelga ordenada por el sindicato. Los empleados tienen el derecho, según las leyes laborales federales, de rechazar las demandas de huelga de los funcionarios sindicales, pero es importante que usted se informe antes de hacerlo. SI USTED QUISIERA TRABAJAR DURANTE UNA HUELGA, LEA TODA ESTA NOTIFICACIÓN ESPECIAL ANTES DE REGRESAR AL TRABAJO. ¡PODRÍA AHORRARLE MILES DE DÓLARES! Los funcionarios del sindicato UNITE HERE cuentan con una larga historia de décadas de disciplinar, multar y abusar de los trabajadores que no quieren doblegarse ante sus dictados.

Special Notice for Hyatt Employees: UNITE HERE Sample Letter

SAMPLE LETTER ==================== [Date] ____, 2011 (Union Official) UNITE HERE (Address 1) (City, State Zip Code) Secretary-Treasurer UNITE HERE Local ______ [Address] Dear _________ and _________:

Obama Labor Board Kills Important Secret Ballot Precedent

Washington, DC (August 30, 2011) – Today, Barack Obama's National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) overturned its Dana Corp. decision, in which National Right to Work Foundation attorneys secured for employees the right to challenge union card check organizing campaigns with a secret ballot vote. Under the Foundation-won Dana decision, workers may collect signatures to request a secret ballot election during a 45-day window period following notice that their employer has recognized a union based on a card check organizing drive. The ruling is intended to counteract coercive practices frequently associated with card check, which allow organizers to bully or mislead employees into signing cards that count as "votes" toward unionization.

Tyson Foods Worker Slaps Union with Federal Charges for Threats and Intimidation

Jefferson, Wisconsin (August 25, 2011) – A meat processing worker has filed federal charges against a local union and Tyson Foods, Inc. officials after union officials illegally threatened to retaliate against him for exercising his rights. With free legal assistance from the National Right to Work Foundation, Tyson employee Gregory Langron of Janesville filed the charges with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) last week. United Food & Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 538 union officials enjoy monopoly bargaining privileges over Tyson Foods employees in the Jefferson plant. Langron recently exercised his right under National Right to Work Foundation-won Supreme Court precedent in Communication Workers v. Beck to refrain from full-dues-paying union membership.

Forced Unionism Policies Aimed at Discouraging Workers from Exercising Their Rights Overturned

Washington, DC (August 19, 2011) – The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) invalidated two unions’ policies that forced nonunion workers to annually renew their objection to funding union political activism within a narrow window period. The decisions result from unfair labor practice charges filed by employees against the United Steel Workers (USW) union and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) union. All of the employees were assisted by National Right to Work Foundation staff attorneys.

Special Notice for Verizon Employees Represented by the Communications Workers of America (CWA)

Officials of the Communications Workers of America (CWA) have ordered Verizon employees out on strike. The situation raises serious concerns for employees who believe there is much to lose from a union-ordered strike. Employees have the right under federal labor law to rebuff union officials’ strike demands, but it is important for you to get informed before you do so. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO WORK DURING A STRIKE READ ALL OF THIS SPECIAL NOTICE BEFORE RETURNING TO WORK - IT MIGHT SAVE YOU THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS! CWA union officials have a decades long history of disciplining, fining and abusing workers who do not kow-tow to their dictates.

Special Notice for Verizon Employees: CWA Sample Letter

SAMPLE LETTER ==================== [Date] ____, 2011 Ms. Helen Gibson, Agency Fee Administrator Communications Workers of America 501 Third St., N. W. Washington, D.C. 20001-2797 Secretary-Treasurer CWA Local ______ [Address] Dear Ms. Gibson and _________: