Navy Helicopter Simulator Technician Files Federal Charge Against Local Union for Illegal Dues Demands

San Diego, CA (January 6, 2015) – A local Navy helicopter simulator maintenance technician, who works for a private contractor for the U.S. Navy, has filed a federal charge against a union and its local and regional affiliates for violating his rights.With free legal assistance from the National Right to Work Foundation, Cubic Worldwide Technical Services employee Abraham Perez filed the unfair labor practice charge with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).In July 2014, Perez filled out an International Association of Machinist (IAM) union dues deduction authorization – a form union officials use to automatically withhold union dues from employee paychecks – but declined to check the union membership box. In August 2014, Perez sent a letter resigning his union membership in the IAM union; its regional affiliate, District Lodge 725; and its local affiliate, Local Lodge 1125. His letter also objected to paying full dues.

Worker Advocate Blasts Obama Labor Board Rule Change

Worker Advocate Blasts Obama Labor Board Rule Change New regulations would allow union bosses to ambush workers into forced-dues-paying union ranks Washington, DC (December 12, 2014) – Today, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) again issued new regulations that give union organizers the upper hand over independent-minded employees during unionization elections.

Worker Advocate Blasts Obama Labor Board Rule Change

Washington, DC (December 12, 2014) – Today, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) again issued new regulations that give union organizers the upper hand over independent-minded employees during unionization elections.The new rules are designed to dramatically shorten the time individual workers have to share information with their coworkers about the effects of unionization. The new regulations also require employers to hand over workers' private information to union organizers, including their phone numbers and email addresses.

Special Legal Notice to California Teachers: How to Get About a $300 refund of CTA Nonbargaining Expenses

Sample letter for CTA MEMBERS to get your Forced Dues Refund | CTA NON-MEMBERS, click here NOTE: The deadline to exercise your rights is November 15. Foundation attorneys in 1997 entered into a settlement agreement for California teachers with the California Teachers Association (CTA) which protects teachers' rights under Foundation-established Supreme Court precedents. If you are a California teacher, this could save you hundreds of dollars every year. Here are the details.

Obama Labor Board Issues Ruling to Keep Workers in the Dark after Sitting on Case for Over Six Years

Washington, DC (September 24, 2014) – After sitting on a case for more than six years, President Obama's National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) faces federal court scrutiny once again after it issued a ruling that denies long-held federal protections for workers and allows union bosses to keep workers in the dark about their rights.With free legal assistance from National Right to Work Foundation staff attorneys, a former Crawfordsville, Indiana Kroger worker on September 22 asked the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit to review the NLRB's decision in her case.In December 2004, Kroger hired Laura Sands. The next month, United Food & Commercial Workers (UFCW) International Union Local 700 officials sent Sands a membership application that failed to inform her of the percentage free reduction she would receive if she did not join the union and objected to paying for union activities unrelated to workplace bargaining.

Construction Worker Files Federal Charges Against LIUNA Union and Company for Illegal Firing

Colorado Springs, CO (September 9, 2014) – A former Michels Corporation construction worker has filed federal charges against the company and a local union for violating his rights and illegally firing him for refusing to pay union dues.With free legal assistance from National Right to Work Foundation staff attorneys, Paul Castle of Fountain filed the federal unfair labor practice charges with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).Shortly after Michels hired Castle in August 4, 2014, Laborers' International Union of North America (LIUNA) Local 578 union officials demanded he join the union and pay union dues as a condition of his employment.

Grand Rapids Teacher Files State Charges Against Union and School District for Circumventing Right to Work Law

Grand Rapids Teacher Files State Charges Against Union and School District for Circumventing Right to Work Law Union and school officials collude to force school employees into dues-paying union ranks despite Right to Work law Grand Rapids, MI (July 18, 2014) – A Grand Rapids-area special education teacher has filed state charges against a local union and the school district for violating Michigan's Right to Work law.

Grand Rapids Teacher Files State Charges Against Union and School District for Circumventing Right to Work Law

Grand Rapids, MI (July 18, 2014) – A Grand Rapids-area special education teacher has filed state charges against a local union and the school district for violating Michigan's Right to Work law.With free legal assistance from National Right to Work Foundation staff attorneys, Becky Lapham of Portland, Michigan, filed the state charges with the Michigan Employment Relations Commission (MERC) in Detroit.The 11-year Lincoln Developmental Center school teacher filed charges against the Michigan Education Association (MEA) union and Grand Rapids Public Schools for entering into an agreement illegally amending and extending the forced dues provisions in the monopoly bargaining agreement beyond the date allowed under Michigan's Right to Work law for public employees.That law specifies that contracts or amendments entered into after the law went into effect must respect workers' right to refrain from the payment of any union dues or fees.

Grand Rapids Teacher Files State Charges Against Union and School District for Right to Work Violations

Grand Rapids Teacher Files State Charges Against Union and School District for Right to Work Violations Union and school officials collude to force school employees into dues-paying union ranks despite Right to Work law Grand Rapids, MI (April 21, 2014) – A Grand Rapids-area special education teacher has filed state charges against a local union and the school district for violating school employees' rights under Michigan's Right to Work law.

Grand Rapids Teacher Files State Charges Against Union and School District for Right to Work Violations

Grand Rapids, MI (April 21, 2014) – A Grand Rapids-area special education teacher has filed state charges against a local union and the school district for violating school employees' rights under Michigan's Right to Work law.With free legal assistance from National Right to Work Foundation staff attorneys, Becky Lapham of Portland, Michigan, filed the state charges last week with the Michigan Employment Relations Commission (MERC) in Detroit.The 11-year Lincoln Developmental Center school teacher notified the Michigan Education Association (MEA) union that she was exercising her rights under the Foundation-won Chicago Teachers Union v. Hudson case to refrain from full union dues payments and requesting a financial disclosure of how her forced union dues and fees are being spent.