Right to Work Op-Ed: Spending Shows Union Bosses Out of Touch From Workers’ Interests

Earlier this year, Gerry McEntee, president of the powerful AFSCME union, explained to The Hill newspaper that his union's futile $87.5 million political spending blitz in the 2010 Congressional midterm elections was intended to protect unpopular incumbent Democrats in Washington, D.C. Yesterday, Mark Mix, President of the National Right to Work Foundation, was published in Investor's Business Daily exposing how union members actually overwhelmingly oppose their union bosses' political spending and agenda. From Investor's:

Right to Work on Fox News: How Big Labor’s Forced Dues are Influencing the 2010 Election Cycle

Right to Work President Mark Mix recently appeared on Fox News and Fox Business to explain how Big Labor is influencing the 2010 election cycle. Here's Mix on Fox Business discussing the hundreds of millions of dollars, largely funded through forced dues, that union bosses are spending on state and federal races: And here's Mix on the Fox News Channel with Neil Cavuto, explaining how rank-and-file union members unwittingly fund Big Labor's political activism.

Worker Advocate: Labor Board’s Discriminatory Rule Change Is Back Door Card Check Provision

Washington, DC (October 5, 2010) – Late last week, the Acting General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued a memorandum to the board’s regional offices establishing new procedures in cases involving union claims that an employee has been fired unlawfully during a union organizing campaign. The new procedure directs the NLRB’s regional offices to file an injunction in federal court – referred to as a 10(j) injunction for the section it is established under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) – requiring the employer keep a union organizer on payroll until the pending case is resolved. Notably, the new rules protect union organizers during aggressive organizing drives but do nothing for employees who are victims of union official misconduct. Mark Mix, President of the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation released the following statement regarding the rule change:

Right to Work on Fox Business: Shady SEIU Fundraising Tactics Escape Political Scrutiny

Foundation President Mark Mix appeared on Fox Business's "Varney and Company" to discuss the SEIU's shady political fundraising practices: For more on this issue, check out Mix's recent op-ed in The Washington Examiner:

Michigan Child Care Providers Take Their Case to the Airwaves

As we recounted earlier this month, National Right to Work Foundation attorneys are fighting a blatant political payback scheme initiated by Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm to hand over all home-based child-care providers who provide services to state-subsidized low-income families over to government union bosses. Last week, Mark Mix, President of National Right to Work, and Carrie Schlaud, the courageous lead plaintiff of the providers' class-action lawsuit against Granholm and the United Autoworker (UAW) and American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) unions appeared on the Fox News Channel's Fox & Friends to discuss the case:

Labor Day Recap: National Right to Work Exposes Big Labor’s Radical Agenda

Over the Labor Day weekend, columns by National Right to Work president Mark Mix appeared in newspapers across the country and online exposing Big Labor's power grabs and coercive practices over American workers. In Investor's Business Daily Mix highlighted the extremism and ethics problems of Craig Becker, the Service Employee International Union's (SEIU) inside man at the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB): In the face of bipartisan opposition, Obama bypassed Congress and installed Becker at the NLRB through a recess appointment. Now that he's established at the head of an agency responsible for overseeing American labor law, Becker is poised to expand Big Labor's privileges even further.

Worker Advocates Issue Labor Day Statement: “Big Labor is Pulling Out All the Stops to Maintain Power”

Washington, DC (September 5, 2010) – Mark Mix, President of the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation and National Right to Work Committee, released the following statement regarding this year’s Labor Day holiday. “This Labor Day, as we celebrate working men and women across the nation, union officials are mounting an unprecedented effort to expand their coercive powers over America’s employees and employers. Their goal is to expand the number of workers forced to pay union dues or fees and accept mandatory union representation just to keep their jobs.

The FEC Turns a Blind Eye to Big Labor’s Shady Fundraising Tactics

In The Washington Examiner, Right to Work President Mark Mix takes on the Federal Election Commission's lax oversight of suspicious Big Labor political fundraising:

Right to Work Labor Day Statement – 2010

Right to Work President Mark Mix released the following statement to mark Labor Day 2010.

Right to Work to Elena Kagan: Stop Forcing Workers to Fund Union Political Activism!

Right to Work President Mark Mix sat down with nationally-syndicated radio host Lars Larson to discuss Obama Supreme Court Nominee Elena Kagan's support for forcing workers to contribute to union political activism. Click here to listen or use the embedded player below: