Majority Leader DeLay’s Accusers Ignored Federal “Conflict of Interest” Disclosure Rules

Washington, DC (April 13, 2005) ¯ The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation’s president today filed a request with the Department of Labor (DOL) asking the agency to investigate and prosecute a top AFL-CIO official for violating a federal disclosure law intended to reveal potential conflicts of interest by union officials. Foundation attorneys have […]

Investigation Sought Into Apparent Collusion of Boston-Based Federal Labor Bureaucrats and Union Officials

Boston, Mass. (August 20, 2004) – The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation today formally requested an investigation into apparent collusion between Rosemary Pye, the National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB) Region One Director, and officials of the United Auto Workers (UAW) union. At the same time, Foundation staff attorneys helped employees at the St. […]

Investigation Sought Into Apparent Collusion of Boston-Based Federal Labor Bureaucrats and Union Officials

Boston, Mass. (August 20, 2004) – The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation today formally requested an investigation into apparent collusion between Rosemary Pye, the National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB) Region One Director, and officials of the United Auto Workers (UAW) union. At the same time, Foundation staff attorneys helped employees at the St. […]

National Worker Rights Advocate Opposes AFL-CIO Attempt to Block New Union Financial Disclosure Rules

Washington, D.C. (August 11, 2004) – Attorneys with the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation today filed as amicus curiae in a U.S. Court of Appeals in opposition to the AFL-CIO’s appeal to overturn new union financial disclosure requirements intended to provide employees with meaningful information as to how their compulsory union dues are […]

National Worker Rights Advocate Opposes AFL-CIO Attempt to Block New Union Financial Disclosure Rules

Washington, D.C. (August 11, 2004) – Attorneys with the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation today filed as amicus curiae in a U.S. Court of Appeals in opposition to the AFL-CIO’s appeal to overturn new union financial disclosure requirements intended to provide employees with meaningful information as to how their compulsory union dues are […]

Employee Victims of Top-Down Organizing and NLRB’s General Counsel Should Have Been Called to Testify before House Subcommittee

Washington, D.C. (April 22, 2004) – Mark Mix, president of the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, a national workplace rights advocacy group, issued the following statement regarding today’s House Subcommittee on Employer-Employee Relations hearing titled “Developments in Labor Law: Examining Trends and Tactics in Labor Organization Campaigns”: “Unable to persuade employees to support […]

Employee Victims of Top-Down Organizing and NLRB’s General Counsel Should Have Been Called to Testify before House Subcommittee

Washington, D.C. (April 22, 2004) – Mark Mix, president of the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, a national workplace rights advocacy group, issued the following statement regarding today’s House Subcommittee on Employer-Employee Relations hearing titled “Developments in Labor Law: Examining Trends and Tactics in Labor Organization Campaigns”: “Unable to persuade employees to support […]

National Employee Rights Advocate Calls on Federal Government to Require Re-Bid on Sound Transit Project

Seattle, Wa. (February 26, 2004) — The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation today called upon on the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to fulfill its responsibility to require the re-bidding of the Sound Transit project in Washington state. In his letter to FTA Administrator Jennifer Dorn, Mark Mix, president of the Washington-DC based employee […]

National Employee Rights Advocate Calls on Federal Government to Require Re-Bid on Sound Transit Project

Seattle, Wa. (February 26, 2004) — The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation today called upon on the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to fulfill its responsibility to require the re-bidding of the Sound Transit project in Washington state. In his letter to FTA Administrator Jennifer Dorn, Mark Mix, president of the Washington-DC based employee […]

Right to Work Advocates Available for Comment on Union Issues at CPAC Conference

Springfield, Virginia (January 22, 2004) – Spokesmen from the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation will be available onsite at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) to comment on the progress of the Right to Work movement in rolling back union special privileges as well as Big Labor’s effort to influence the 2004 elections. […]