Speeches & Articles

07/29/13 Raymond J. LaJeunesseRight to Work and Collective Bargaining: Is It Right for You?03/11/13 Raymond J. LaJeunesse Impact of Right-to-Work Laws 02/13/13 Raymond J. LaJeunesse Written statement to the U.S. House Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor and Pensions regarding the National Labor Relations Board's Failure to Fully Enforce Workers' Rights under Communications Workers v. Beck. 07/26/12 Raymond J. LaJeunesse

Union Officials Target OLMS

In Tuesday’s Indy Star, Ed Fuelner hits the nail on the head with an article on Congress’s efforts to slash the budget of the OLMS (the Department of Labor office that investigates union fraud corruption and the misspending of union dues):

National Worker Advocate’s Labor Day Statement:“Union Officials Owe Workers an Apology”

An audio clip from this statement can be downloaded at www.nrtw.org/audio/laborday.mp3 **Springfield, VA (August 31, 2007)** – Mark Mix, President of the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation and National Right to Work Committee, made the following statement regarding this year’s Labor Day holiday. The Foundation is a non-profit, charitable organization that provides free […]

Federal Labor Board to Prosecute Union for Threatening to Have Security Guards Fired for Refusal to Pay Union Dues

**Corpus Christi, TX (July 9, 2007)** – Spearheading an effort to prevent erosion of Texas’ highly popular Right to Work law, National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation attorneys have persuaded National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) officials to prosecute a union for unlawfully threatening local security guards’ jobs. But the state’s own prosecutors have yet […]

Employee Rights Group Wins Security Guard’s Reinstatement After Year-Long Suspension for Refusal to Pay Union Dues

El Paso, TX (June 28, 2007) – After a year-long ordeal, El Paso security guard Juan Vielma received an offer of full reinstatement to his job yesterday after he was illegally suspended in 2006 without pay – in violation of Texas’ Right to Work law. But a national employee rights organization pressed the state’s top […]

Employee Rights Advocate Urges Attorney General to Prosecute Pattern of Apparent Union Fraud and Violations of Texas Right to Wo

**Springfield, VA (June 21, 2007)** – While defending several employees’ legal rights, attorneys from the National Right to Work Foundation have uncovered evidence that Security, Police and Fire Professionals of America (SPFPA) union officials in Texas have apparently been engaging in a fraudulent scheme to force potentially thousands of employees to pay union dues in […]

Federal Labor Board Asked to Block Trump Plaza Election, Ethics Investigation Sought into Rep. Andrews’ Tampering with Union Vot

**Atlantic City, NJ (March 30, 2007)** – A national employee rights organization filed a union unfair labor practice charge and requested a formal congressional investigation into misconduct by Congressman Robert Andrews (D-NJ) in interfering with a union certification election scheduled for tomorrow at the Trump Plaza Hotel. The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation […]

Bush Labor Board Boosts Union “Corporate Campaigns,” Whitewashes Clinton-era Policy Favoring Firings of Workers Who Won’t Pay fo

**Washington, DC (January 30, 2007)** – Forced to rule by an extremely rare court order, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) let stand a controversial Clinton NLRB ruling that approved the firing of workers who refuse to pay for union organizing campaigns. The ruling came in a long-languishing case initiated in 1989 by two cheese […]

Legal Foundation for Petitioners in First Amendment Battle Comment on Today’s Supreme Court Oral Argument

Washington, DC (January 10, 2007) – Mark Mix, President of the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, made the following statement regarding today’s U.S. Supreme Court oral argument in Davenport v. Washington Education Association. The Foundation is a non-profit organization providing free legal aid to victims of compulsory unionism abuse, and whose staff attorneys […]

Supreme Court Media Availability: Lead Plaintiff and Legal Counsel to Appear After Argument in Key First Amendment Battle

**Washington, DC** – Wednesday morning, January 10, at approximately 11:00 a.m. EST the U.S. States Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the cases of Davenport v. Washington Education Association (WEA) and Washington v. WEA. The High Court will decide whether to overturn a Washington State Supreme Court decision that discovered a “right” for union […]