Corrupt SEIU Bosses Paying Protesters to Support Health Care Forced Unionism

Last Tuesday, Health Care for American Now (HCAN) - a radical coalition that includes bosses from the all-powerful SEIU union, the AFL-CIO, the humilated United Auto Workers (UAW) union and dozens of other unions, along with forced unionism-allies such as the corrupt ACORN group - declared a national day of action. The expressed goal of this Big Labor/ACORN axis? To create "political villains" by demonizing health care providers across the country.

EXPOSED: Big Labor Announces “Secret Plan to Destroy the Right Forever”

In a surprising display of honesty about their true agenda, union bosses and Far Left activists participated on a panel at the Netroots Nation conference called "The Secret Plan to Destroy the American Right." What's their "secret plan" to expand the power and size of government and raise taxes on hard-working Americans? It's passage of the woefully misnamed Employee Free Choice Act, more accurately called the Card Check Forced Unionism Bill. Union bosses apparently see the billions of forced dues dollars that the bill would funnel into pushing Organized Labor's radical political agenda as THE major selling point for the bill.

WSJ: Mandatory Binding Arbitration Means More Power for Union Bosses, While Workers Lose Rights

Here at Freedom@Work, we've covered the so-called Employee Free Choice Act (more accurately called the Card Check Forced Unionism Bill). The job-killing bill would effectively eliminate the secret ballot in union certification elections and open up workers to intimidation and dirty tricks by union organizers in coercive card check organizing drives.  Moreover, the bill's mandatory binding arbitration provision would allow federal bureaucrats to impose terms and conditions of employment on workers and employers -- which even Far Left icon George McGovern opposes.

New Right to Work Podcast: Right to Work, Card Check, and the Police and Firefighters Monopoly Bargaining Bill

Foundation Vice President Stefan Gleason sits down with Reality Check Radio to discuss the history of the Right to Work movement, Card Check, and the Police and Firefighters Monopoly Bargaining Bill. Click here to listen or use the embedded player below:

Compulsory Unionism Bankrupting States: Workers Flee to Right to Work States for Jobs

As the current economic downturn continues, many states across the nation are starting to find it increasingly difficult to stay afloat after having capitulated to the union bosses' extortionate demands.  Last week, the Wall Street Journal cited the National Institute for Labor Relations Research (NILRR) -- an anti-compulsory unionism think tank that exposes the harm forced unionism inflicts on workers -- when discussing Big Labor's contribution toward the severe financial difficulties California, New York, and New Jersey are experiencing and the migration of workers leaving these forced-unionism states:

Oklahoma Leader of Professional, Non-Union Teachers Receives High Recognition from National Right to Work

On April 24, the National Right to Work Committee presented Professional Oklahoma Educators (POE) executive director Ginger Tinney with the Carol Applegate Education Award.

Right to Work Foundation Urges Department of Labor Not to Trash Union Disclosure Rules

Washington, DC (March 9, 2009) – Prompted by a Rahm Emanuel directive on Inauguration Day, the U.S. Department of Labor seems ready to discard new union disclosure rules developed over two years by the previous administration. In response, the National Right to Work Foundation has submitted comments urging the Department to maintain or strengthen rules aimed at curbing union boss corruption. In late January, the Department of Labor announced that it was considering changes to recently revised LM-2 disclosure guidelines, which require unions to list the specific compensation – financial or otherwise – of individual union officers and to name all parties involved in any union-related transactions. Unions routinely spend millions of dollars on staff compensation, purchases unrelated to collective bargaining, and lavish perks for top union officials. The disclosure requirements are intended to ensure that dues-paying workers have some idea what they’re paying for.

U.S. Supreme Court Misses Opportunity to Expand Protections for Employees Forced to Pay Union Dues

Today’s ruling highlights the need for Right to Work laws, which end forced unionism Washington, DC (January 21, 2009) -- Today, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled that Maine state employees can be compelled under penalty of losing their jobs to pay into an international union’s litigation slush fund – even where all the litigation expenditures are made outside of their own bargaining unit. In doing so, the High Court affirmed a ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit affirming a loose standard of protection under the U.S. Constitution for employees forced to pay dues as a condition of employment.

Obama’s DOL Pick: Secret Ballot Process «Unquestioned And Above Reproach,» But Only When It Protects HER

Today, President-elect Barack Obama named his pick for Labor Secretary, California Congresswoman Hilda Solis. Unsurprisingly, union bosses are rallying behind the pick. Solis is a prominent supporter of the so-called Employee Free Choice Act (a.k.a. the Card Check Forced Unionism Bill), which would replace the secret ballot with intimidating "card check" campaigns in which union goons repeatedly harass workers at work and at home to sign union authorization cards. Once the union collects a simple majority of these public "votes," every worker in the bargaining unit loses the right to negotiate directly with the employer.

Fact Check: Forced Dues Equals Forced Unionism

On Monday, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review published an editorial criticizing the special privileges Pennsylvania law gives to teacher unions: The Pennsylvania State Education Association causes untold damage to kids, taxpayers and the commonwealth. Few Pennsylvanians know how costly is this teacher union. But the public has the power to tame the beast. With more than 185,500 members, 281 full-time employees and an annual income above $84 million, the PSEA is one of the state's wealthiest, largest and most politically active labor unions, reports The Commonwealth Foundation, a public-policy, free-market think tank in Harrisburg.