New Obama Administration Contracting Policy «Nothing More Than Payback» to Big Labor

New Obama Administration Contracting Policy "Nothing More Than Payback" to Big Labor So-called "project labor agreements" discriminate against the 85 percent of construction workers who have opted against unionization

Craig Becker Watch: Right to Work Exposes Becker Threat in National Media

After the Senate rejected an attempt to confirm President Barack Obama's nomination of pro-compulsory unionism radical Craig Becker to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), Obama appointed Becker via a recess appointment. On the heals of the appointment, National Right to Work Foundation attorneys sprang into action and filed 12 recusal motions asking Becker to step aside in any pending case involving the Foundation, citing Becker's bias against independent-minded workers and the Foundation (download two of the motions in .pdf format here and here). The Wall Street Journal reports:

Is Obama Planning an Easter Recess Appointment of Radical SEIU Lawyer Craig Becker to the NLRB?

Last month, the Senate rejected an attempt to confirm President Barack Obama's nomination of pro-compulsory unionism radical Craig Becker to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). The Wall Street Journal reports that with the Senate now taking it's Easter recess, Becker could be appointed via a recess appointment "as early as today." As the Journal notes, a Craig Becker NLRB appointment resurrection would be disastrous to employee rights:

Obama’s Labor Department Is Serious About Ethics… Except When It Isn’t

Over at, Don Loos of National Right to Work examines the abysmal record of the Obama Department of Labor when it comes to enforcing the Administration's ethics policy against union officials: On January 8th, posted a blog that began, “Outrageously, U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Secretary Hilda Solis and other DOL Obama appointees appear to have blatantly disregarded the President’s Executive Order #13490 – the Ethics Pledge.”

Senate Hearings Today on Obama’s Radical, Pro-Coercion Labor Board Nominee

Yesterday in Roll Call, Bret Jacobson noted the importance of today's Senate hearings on President Obama's nomination of Service Employee International Union General Counsel, Craig Becker to the National Labor Relations Board. Thus, we have today’s hearing for Becker, a longtime strategist and lawyer for organized labor. If they can’t get “card check” through a broad, participatory legislative process, they’ll push to grab a similar victory through the federal board’s ability to regulate without approval of the people’s Representatives. As such, this hearing — demanded by Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who is troubled by Becker’s blatantly anti-employer views — signals that we have officially hit plan B on the administration’s strategy for pandering to the organized labor lobby. This new course will focus on the quiet job-killer of regulation and card check by fiat.

FEC Fails to Investigate Teachers’ Complaint of NEA Union Money Laundering Scheme

Washington, DC (January 5, 2010) – Apparently without conducting a field investigation, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) dismissed a complaint against one of the most politically active unions in America after evidence surfaced that union officials deposited illegally laundered dues money into its political action committee (PAC). Citing in part lack of sufficient funding to enforce the law, the FEC junked a complaint filed by the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation and two Alabama teachers who discovered a union scheme to divert convention reimbursements into the National Education Association (NEA) union’s PAC.

SEIU Union Boss to Boy Scout: How Dare You Serve Your Community!

There's nothing new about forced-dues-hungry union bosses complaining about how volunteers and nonprofits don't pay union dues, but this is a new low: Last week at a city council meeting in Allentown, Pa., a top official of the local Service Employees International Union chapter ranted about 17-year-old Scout Kevin Anderson's park cleanup work. Anderson devoted some 200 hours to the job in order to earn an Eagle Scout badge. He picked up trash and helped clear a 1,000-foot walking path with fellow members of Boy Scouts Troop 301 of Center Valley. But SEIU's Nick Balzano gave them hell instead of thanks.

Charleston, WV Mayor: Police & Fire Monopoly Bargaining Would «Bankrupt» City

The Charleston Daily Mail recently outlined Mayor Danny Jones' concerns about pending federal legislation, best known as the Police and Firefighters Monopoly Bargaining Bill, that would grease the rails for the forced unionization of every first responder in the country. "It's going to change things. The relationship (between the city and the police union) will become adversarial," Jones said. "If you look around the states, the most unionized states are the ones that are the most broke." Jones is not alone in his position. The National League of Cities and the National Association of Counties both have urged their members to oppose the legislation, with the cities' group issuing a formal call to Congress asking for the act to be rejected.

Health Care Protester Recounts Violent SEIU Union Thug Attack, Racial Slurs

Last August, a health care protester was assaulted by union thugs for daring to voice his opinions at a political rally. Now Kenneth Gladney is stepping forward with his own account of what happened:   He [the union protester] shouted at me, “What kind of nigger are you?!” Then, he grabbed my board, so I quickly grabbed it back, then the man punched me in the face and charged at me . I put my hands up to block the second blow from the large man, when two other people from that group grabbed me and threw me to the ground and started punching and kicking me. I was kicked in the head and in the back, legs and buttocks. Then a white woman ran up to me while I was on the ground and began kicking me in my head as well.

Sickening Blagojevich Legacy Ready to Metastasize to Rest of Country

The alarming trend of politicians forcing workers into union ranks continues in Illinois as Governor Pat Quinn -- in order to win Big Labor's political support -- is resurrecting the sordid legacy of disgraced Governor Rod Blagojevich (and Gray Davis of California) subverting workers' rights to benefit forced dues-hungry union bosses.