SPRINGFIELD, Va. (August 29, 2003) – In a stunning move, the AFL-CIO has flatly rejected CNN’s request that they appear for a Labor Day weekend television discussion about the union movement with a spokesman from the National Right to Work Foundation, an organization that is providing free legal assistance to thousands of victims of union coercion and abuse.

Foundation Vice President Stefan Gleason was booked to appear on the national cable network to debate representatives from the AFL-CIO on the relevance of today’s union movement and issues such as whether union officials truly represent the interests of rank-and-file workers. Rather than debate, union operatives ultimately pressured the network to cancel the National Right to Work Foundation in favor of an opponent from the business community which would allow the AFL-CIO to frame the issue as “business vs. workers.”

An AFL-CIO operative stated that they, “…absolutely will not even appear on any single solitary program even like (sic) within the same hour as somebody from the National Right to Work.”

“This begs the question, what is the AFL-CIO afraid of?” asked Gleason. “The fact that they refuse to appear is the real story.”

Attorneys from the National Right to Work Foundation are representing victims of abuse from AFL-CIO affiliated unions in more than 200 legal-aid cases nationwide. Foundation spokesmen welcome the opportunity to discuss — or debate — any issues related to the following topics:

  • How Big Labor’s political agenda is out of step with many rank-and-file workers;
  • Big Labor’s new push to advance forced unionism using top down organizing tactics – rather than traditional grassroots organizing efforts.
  • Examples of abuse resulting from forced union membership, union violence, violations of religious freedom, and other violations of employee individual rights.
  • The growing support for job-producing Right to Work laws which make union membership strictly voluntary.

To schedule an interview call Daniel Cronin at 703-770-3317.

The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation is a nonprofit, charitable organization providing free legal aid to employees whose human or civil rights have been violated by compulsory unionism abuses. The Foundation, which can be contacted toll-free at 1-800-336-3600, assists thousands of employees in more than 250 cases nationwide per year.

Posted on Aug 29, 2003 in News Releases