17 Aug 2015

The National Right to Work Foundation Commemorates National Employee Freedom Week

Posted in News Releases

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14 Aug 2015
13 Aug 2015
4 Aug 2015
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28 Jul 2015
28 Jul 2015
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23 Jul 2015
17 Jul 2015

Connecticut State Employees Win Settlement Protecting their Right to Refrain from Paying for Union Politics

Posted in TV & Radio

Hartford, CT (July 17, 2015) – With free legal assistance from National Right to Work Foundation staff attorneys, eight state employees have reached a class-wide settlement with several state officials and the Connecticut State Employee Association (CSEA)/SEIU Local 2001 union that protects their right to opt out of paying dues for union politics. The agreement covers 215 state workers and ensures that employees who resigned from the union and objected to paying dues for union politics but did not have their objections honored will receive refunds pursuant to the terms of the agreement.

In Connecticut and other states without Right to Work laws, employees can be forced to pay union dues or fees to keep their jobs. However, the Foundation-won Supreme Court precedent Chicago Teachers Union v. Hudson established that nonunion civil servants are due certain procedural protections of their right to refrain from paying dues or fees for activities unrelated to workplace bargaining, such as union political activism.