Here on Freedom@Work, we have told you about President Obama’s deeply disturbing executive orders aimed at blacklisting the 92.5 percent of America’s private-sector workers who have chosen not to unionize.

One of the orders effectively bars federal contractors from sharing truthful, non-coercive information with their employees about the downsides of unionization.

For an example of what this kind of information is like, look no further than what union management says when employees of a union wish to unionize.

In the letter linked below, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) union president J.J. Barry warns against "chang[ing] the system…solely because of an effort stemming from the isolated complaints of a few [union employees]." Moreover,

The selection of a bargaining representative is likely to change the nature of the employer/employee relationship, by making it more formal and structured, and diminishing the present system of direct resolution of issues between Represenatives and their Vice Presidents, Department Directors, etc.

But union bosses cry foul when other employers express similar opinions, and now their powerful pro-forced unionism allies in government want to ban such speech by federal contractors so the contractors’ employees are denied the right to make a fully informed choice.

Click here to read the full letter (PDF).

Posted on Feb 26, 2009 in Blog