Regular Freedom@Work readers may remember the now-infamous Executive Order 13502, which pressures all federal agencies to use discriminatory "Project Labor Agreements" (PLAs) to freeze out non-union contractors and workers from any opportunity to work on government projects.

Once adopted, PLAs require all companies – unionized or otherwise – to agree to unionization as a condition of receiving a government-funded contract. Project labor agreements usually require contractors to grant union officials monopoly bargaining privileges; use exclusive union hiring halls; force workers to pay dues to keep their jobs and work under wasteful union work rules.

Foundation attorneys have now filed formal comments with the Department of Labor urging the Administration to rescind Executive Order 13502. The Foundation argues that the directive is illegal under the the National Labor Relations Act, and that imposing discriminatory PLAs on federal contractors violates workers’ rights, passes along higher costs to taxpayers, and serves no purpose other than to enrich Big Labor’s coffers.

To download a copy of the Foundation’s comments, click here

A few months ago, Foundation VP Stefan Gleason appeared on CNN to discuss the Administration’s new directive:

Posted on Aug 13, 2009 in Blog