Yesterday, The National Right to Work Foundation announced an offer of free legal aid to workers forced to go on strike by UFCW union bosses in Arizona. Now it seems that employee discontent has forced the union hierarchy to back-off its strike threats and bargain with Safeway and Fry’s.

However, reports are that union officials has still not agreed to a new contract, so workers dissatisfied with union representation can:

1) Resign from union membership and revoke their union check-off forms to stop paying union dues. Here’s a link to a sample dues cancellation letter for Arizona UCFW members. If you want to stop paying union dues, all you have to do is fill in your personal information and send it to the address provided on the form. For more information on opting out of union dues if you’ve signed a check-off form and live in a Right to Work state, click here

2) Independent-minded workers can also initiate a decertification petition to kick the union out of the workplace entirely. For more information on decertification petitions and elections, click here

As always, Right to Work attorneys stand ready to help workers who are tired of putting up with union boss antics, threats of crippling strikes, and excessive union dues. 

Posted on Nov 13, 2009 in Blog