In the Washington Examiner, columnist Kevin Mooney discusses a shocking new analysis of the "Obamacare" health care overhaul legislation distributed by National Right to Work Committee experts. 

The proposals are a Trojan Horse for forced unionization of the health care field. Numerous troubling provisions in the proposed bills would divert billions of dollars into union coffers and facilitate the imposition of unionization on unsuspecting doctors, surgeons, nurses, and home care providers all across the country.

Union officials are likely to fill key positions on committees making major decisions if President Barack Obama’s government-run health care reform proposal becomes law, according to a new study by the National Right to Work Committee.

Sections 123 and 2251 of H.R. 3200, the version of Obamacare being pushed by House Democratic leaders, are of particular concern, according to NRTWC, because they could put union-backed appointees on new government committees that recommend mandatory health insurance benefits provided by private insurers, and personnel policies the bill describes as necessary "to ensure quality and adequacy" of the nation’s health care workers.

Such provisions could put labor officials in positions to influence health care policies across the country, said Greg Mourad, director of legislation for the NRTWC, and to mandate that health care workers join unions.

"Big labor is guaranteed a place on the various committees, and that’s something we see as a dangerous sign," said Mourad, the principal author of the NRTWC study. "The idea is to get the whole country on a model where you have teams of union stewards telling doctors what to do."

"In every section we cite, unions are guaranteed a place on the various boards, but the compositions of the boards are very flexible, and with Obama and his appointees naming the members of the various committees and commissions, all could easily be stacked by Big Labor sympathizers," he added.

The end result could very well be the forced unionization of every health care professional in the United States.

Read the full article for more information.


Posted on Sep 3, 2009 in Blog