This week, the National Right to Work Foundation received an anonymous letter from an American worker who has been a union member for 30 years and recently came around to supporting the Right to Work principle after witnessing horrific union boss corruption and government bailouts of forced unionism.

But after watching the auto industry go through bankruptcies and then STILL seeing the same corrupt practices go on, I feel like I am getting screwed TWICE!  Once as a taxpayer and once as a dues paying union member!

In Right to Work states, union dues are paid only by those members who feel like they are being represented.  That would make the unions honest and do their jobs like they are paid to!

I don’t dare sign this letter.  The retaliation would cost me my job, my safety and my sanity!

I am not alone, there are many that feel this way but are too scared to speak up.

This anonymous writer offers a good reminder of what the Right to Work principle is all about — true freedom in the workplace.  Read the full letter here.

Posted on Aug 6, 2009 in Blog