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MIT Grad Students Slam Union with Federal Discrimination Charges

Union hierarchy forcing students to pay dues, deny legally-required religious exemption

BOSTON, MA – In March, five MIT graduate students filed federal discrimination charges against UE and GSU with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), declaring that the union is “discriminating against me based on a failure to accommodate my religious beliefs and cultural heritage.”

Security Guards at Federal Buildings Across Delaware Voting Soon on Whether to End SPFPA Union’s Forced-Dues Power

Posted in News Releases

SPFPA union officials trapped workers in union ranks, but workers still have chance to stop mandatory dues payments

DELAWARE – Security guards posted at federal buildings across the state of Delaware will soon cast ballots in a “deauthorization election” that may strip officials of the Security, Police and Fire Professionals of America (SPFPA) union of their power to force guards to pay union dues as a condition of employment.

Healthcare Workers at HRI Hospital Win Campaign to Remove Unwanted SEIU Union Bosses  

Posted in News Releases

SEIU 1199 officials concede defeat after a majority of employees sign petition backing Federal Labor Board-run decertification election

BROOKLINE, MA – Employees at HRI Hospital, Inc in Brookline, MA have won their freedom from Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 1199, which also calls itself the “United Healthcare Workers” union.









  • Can I be required to be a union member or pay dues?
  • What if I want to continue working during a strike?
  • How can I resign my union membership?
  • What are my rights if there is a «card check» organizing drive at my workplace?
  • How do I eliminate forced union dues from my workplace?
  • How do I eliminate the union from my workplace?
  • How do I cut off the use of my forced dues for politics?
  • What if I have a religious objection to being affiliated with a union?
  • How can I request free legal aid?
  • How does the National Right to Work Foundation differ from the National Right to Work Committee?