Worker Advocate: Obama NLRB Nominee “Extreme Threat” to Employee Freedom

In recent weeks, President Barack Obama nominated AFL-CIO and SEIU union lawyer Craig Becker to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), the quasi-judicial agency that administers federal labor law. Some of the Board's most important functions include overseeing the secret ballot elections in union certification drives and resolving unfair labor practices committed by union organizers. But Becker's employment history and published writings indicate his extreme hostility to both the secret ballot and true employee free choice. As a member of the NLRB, Becker would likely rubber stamp the most abusive forced unionism schemes cooked up by union militants to compel independent-minded American workers to accept their "representation" and pay dues. In this special video report hosted at the National Right to Work Committee's website, Committee President Mark Mix analyzes Becker's extreme views.  Becker:

Right to Work Video: Foundation Takes Action to Expose Big Labor Operatives’ Role Within Obama Administration

In our latest Right to Work video report, Foundation President Mark Mix discusses how the Foundation is pressing the Obama Administration to disclose its entanglements with Big Labor's top political operatives using the Freedom of Information Act. Click on the video below to watch the whole thing: Download the National Right to Work Foundation's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request here.

Right to Work on CNN: Ugly SEIU “Corporate Campaign” Targets Bank of America Tellers

Big Labor's leverage over American businesses and their employees is reaching new levels. The powerful Service Employees International Union is flexing its political muscles, demanding the Obama Administration remove the CEO of Bank of America as part of a campaign to impose unionization on its unsuspecting bank tellers. Check out the full video report from CNN's Lou Dobbs, which includes a segment with National Right to Work President Mark Mix:

Right to Work Video: Stop the Obama Administration from Trashing Basic Union Disclosure Requirements

Regular Freedom@Work readers already know that AFL-CIO bosses just spent a week at a luxurious beachfront resort in Miami with VP Biden and Secretary of Labor Solis. Now they want the Department of Labor to rescind simple disclosure guidelines that would help rank-and-file workers learn when they're funding extravagant union getaways. Check out the National Right to Work video with Committee and Foundation President Mark Mix for more information:

Worker Advocate Urges Gov. Sonny Perdue to Enforce Georgia’s Longstanding Right to Work Law

Atlanta, GA (March 12, 2009) – National Right to Work Foundation president Mark Mix called upon Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue to defend Georgia’s cherished Right to Work law that is in danger of becoming a dead letter as a result of a sloppy Georgia appellate court ruling and an Attorney General who has so far refused to defend the law. “On behalf of the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation and the union-abused Georgia employees it is assisting, I urge you to use the power granted to you by the laws of the State of Georgia to ensure that Georgia’s longstanding and popular Right to Work law is enforced,” Mix urged Governor Perdue.

CNN: National Right to Work Discusses Card Check on Lou Dobbs

Lou Dobbs' recent report on Card Check featured an interview with Committee and Foundation President Mark Mix. Check out the video for a full account of union bosses' extensive political connections to the Obama Administration and Capitol Hill, as well as their ambitious legislative priorities:

Video: Right to Work at CPAC – The Dangers of Card Check

Foundation President Mark Mix spoke on the dangers of card check legislation at the 2009 CPAC Conference in Washington, DC. Here's the video: For previous Foundation card check coverage, click here.

New Right to Work Podcast: Stop the Obama Administration from Rolling Back Union Disclosure Guidelines

For those of you who missed it, the National Right to Work Foundation recently released a video featuring Foundation President Mark Mix urging all Right to Work supporters to get involved in our efforts to stop the Obama Administration from rolling back basic union disclosure regulations. Now Mix's message is available in podcast form. Click here to listen:

How to Make the Economy Worse In One Easy Step: Give Union Bosses Even More Coercive Power

With so much focus on the economic crisis, it's worth revisiting a Wall Street Journal article penned recently by National Right to Work Committee and Foundation President Mark Mix. The article explains how a massive expansion in forced unionism power played a key role in making the Great Depression longer and deeper: By the mid-1930s, the U.S. economy appeared to be climbing out of the Great Depression. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), which had bottomed out at 41 in 1932, was advancing. It increased 73% from the beginning of 1935 through the end of 1936, when it hit 180. The number of unemployed, 13 million in 1933, dropped to 9.5 million in 1935 and 7.6 million in 1936. Then, in 1937, the DJIA plunged 33% in what is often called "a depression within a depression." Joblessness skyrocketed.

Worker Advocate Warns Against Plans to Table Improvements in Union Financial Disclosure

This week, National Right to Work Foundation president Mark Mix sent a formal letter to the director of the Department of Labor's Office of Labor-Management Standards, the federal agency tasked with providing union members and nonmembers with valuable information about how union bosses are spending their forced dues. The letter is in response to the Obama Administration's apparent intention to delay (and ultimately cancel) some needed refinements to reporting requirements established by the Bush Administration which enhance union transparency and accountability of union expenditures. Here are a few examples of union boss malfeasance the planned LM-2 revisions would elucidate: