Lockheed Martin Employee Socks Union with Federal Charges

PALMDALE, Calif. (March 5, 2001) — A Lockheed Martin employee today filed federal charges against an international labor union after union officials illegally seized forced union dues from his paycheck to fund union political activities. With the help of National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation attorneys, the aeronautics factory employee, Mark Thomley, filed federal […]

Lockheed Martin Employee Socks Union with Federal Charges

PALMDALE, Calif. (March 5, 2001) — A Lockheed Martin employee today filed federal charges against an international labor union after union officials illegally seized forced union dues from his paycheck to fund union political activities. With the help of National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation attorneys, the aeronautics factory employee, Mark Thomley, filed federal […]

Employee Rights Advocate Says Union Dues Executive Order Is “Only a Small, Symbolic First Step”

Washington, D.C. (February 16, 2001) — A national employee rights spokesman today declared that President George W. Bush’s imminent executive order regarding forced union dues is “only a small, symbolic first step toward curbing compulsory unionism abuse” and warned that far more must be done before employee rights are truly protected. The Associated Press wire […]

Employee Rights Advocate Says Union Dues Executive Order Is “Only a Small, Symbolic First Step”

Washington, D.C. (February 16, 2001) — A national employee rights spokesman today declared that President George W. Bush’s imminent executive order regarding forced union dues is “only a small, symbolic first step toward curbing compulsory unionism abuse” and warned that far more must be done before employee rights are truly protected. The Associated Press wire […]

Deferiet Paper Employee Hits Union with Federal Charges

DEFERIET, N.Y. (February 12, 2001) — A paper mill worker today filed federal charges against a local industrial union for refusing to recognize his legal right to quit the union and stop paying union dues for politics. The Deferiet Paper Company employee, Wayne Dimock, turned to the National Right to Work Foundation for free legal […]

Deferiet Paper Employee Hits Union with Federal Charges

DEFERIET, N.Y. (February 12, 2001) — A paper mill worker today filed federal charges against a local industrial union for refusing to recognize his legal right to quit the union and stop paying union dues for politics. The Deferiet Paper Company employee, Wayne Dimock, turned to the National Right to Work Foundation for free legal […]

McCain-Feingold Deliberately Guts Employees’ Right Not to Fund Union Electioneering

The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation today released an analysis revealing that the McCain-Feingold campaign finance bill is a "Trojan Horse," containing crafty language designed specifically to gut the U.S. Supreme Court Beck decision. National Right to Work Foundation attorneys won the U.S. Supreme Court Communications Workers of America v. Beck decision in 1988, allowing employees to halt and reclaim all forced union dues not used for collective bargaining activity, like politics.

McCain-Feingold Deliberately Guts Employees’ Right Not to Fund Union Electioneering

The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation today released an analysis revealing that the McCain-Feingold campaign finance bill is a “Trojan Horse,” containing crafty language designed specifically to gut the U.S. Supreme Court Beck decision. National Right to Work Foundation attorneys won the U.S. Supreme Court Communications Workers of America v. Beck decision in […]

Can I be required to be a union member or pay dues to a union?

You may not be required to be a union member. But, if you do not work in a Right to Work state, you may be required to pay union fees. Employment relations for almost all private sector employees (other than those in the airline and railroad industries) are covered by the National Labor Relations Act […]

How can I resign my union membership?

In Pattern Makers v. NLRB, 473 U.S. 95 (1985), the United States Supreme Court held that union members have the right to resign their union membership at any time. Of course, the decision to resign is wholly yours. If the contract between your employer and the union contains no provision requiring you to join the […]