Red Rock Casino Slot Technicians Blast Regional Labor Board Ruling Trapping Them Under Unpopular Union, Appeal Decision

Employee vote to decertify union blocked based on allegations that have nothing to do with slot techs’ bargaining unit Las Vegas, NV – Red Rock Casino slot machine technician Jereme Barrios has asked the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) in Washington, DC, to reverse an NLRB Region’s decision which blocks his and his coworkers’ right to vote out a union that a majority of them have already expressed interest in removing. Barrios is receiving free legal representation from National Right to Work Foundation staff attorneys.

Worker Wins Additional $1,500 from Car Dealership in Federal Case for Illegal Firing at IAM Union Bosses’ Behest

IAM officials already paid nearly $17,000 for union role in Robert Basil Buick GMC employee’s illegal termination for refusal to join union and pay full dues Buffalo, NY – In March 2022, after car dealership employee Remmington Duk filed federal charges against International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Automotive (IAM) Lodge 447, union officials agreed to pay him $16,916.

Northern PA Metal Worker Slams CWA Union with Federal Charges for Illegally Seizing Union PAC Money from Wages

CWA officials also refused worker’s membership resignation, case comes as former CWA official Jennifer Abruzzo is top labor board prosecutor GALETON, PA – Curtis Coates, an employee of metal corporation Catalus, just hit a Communications Workers of America (CWA) union local with federal charges for seizing dues money from his paycheck illegally, plus money for CWA’s political action committee (PAC).

South Jersey Bus Drivers Hit IFPTE Union with Federal Lawsuit Challenging Unconstitutional Dues Seizures from Wages

Drivers tried to end dues deductions from paychecks in January 2022 in accordance with documents they signed, but union kept taking money Camden, NJ (May 3, 2022) – A group of Camden-area drivers for the South Jersey Transportation Authority (SJTA) are suing union officials in federal court for seizing money from their paychecks in violation of the First Amendment. The drivers are receiving free legal representation from National Right to Work Foundation staff attorneys.

Brockton Visiting Nurse Staff Petition to Remove Unwanted SEIU Officials from Workplace

Mail-in ballots must be returned by close of business on June 2, 2022 Brockton, MA – Home healthcare staff at Brockton Visiting Nurse in Brockton, Massachusetts have filed a petition seeking the removal of Service Employees International Union Local 1199 from their workplace. The workers’ decertification petition was filed with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) Region 1 with free legal representation from National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation staff attorneys. 

At Ninth Circuit, Las Vegas Police Officer Defends First Amendment Right to Stop Funding Unwanted Union

Legal briefs filed for veteran officer rebut union attorneys’ arguments attempting to justify union dues seizures that violate clear Supreme Court precedent LAS VEGAS, NV - National Right to Work Foundation staff attorneys just filed the final brief in a Las Vegas police officer’s federal lawsuit defending her First Amendment right to abstain from union dues deductions.

UC Irvine Lab Assistant Beats CWA Bosses in Suit Fighting Anti-Janus Schemes

Settlement secures full dues refund, ends phony photo ID restriction on Janus rights IRVINE, CA – Just a few months after University of California Irvine lab assistant Amber Walker slammed them with a federal lawsuit, University Professional and Technical Employees (UPTE-CWA) union officials have already backed off of defending schemes created to stop university employees from exercising their First Amendment right to stop union dues takings.

Wesley Manor Workers Vote Overwhelmingly to Remove Unwanted AFSCME Union Officials from their Workplace

Workers free from unwanted union “representation” as Labor Board certifies decertification vote to toss union bosses Frankfort, IN – Healthcare workers at the Wesley Manor BHI retirement community in Frankfort, Indiana have won a decertification vote, and successfully removed the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 962 union from their workplace.

Tennessee Worker Takes LIUNA Bosses to Federal Court for Religious Discrimination

To justify forced dues union official sent ‘remedial church readings’ to employee, her priest CLARKSVILLE, TN – Dorothy Frame, who works at a hospital at Tennessee’s Fort Campbell, asked for a federally required religious accommodation over two years ago so she didn’t have to pay dues to Laborers International Union of North America bosses in her workplace.

Conagra Brands Workers Seek to Remove Unwanted UFCW Union Officials from their Workplace

Conagra Brands Workers Seek to Remove Unwanted UFCW Union Officials from their Workplace St. Elmo, IL – Production and maintenance employees at Conagra Brands in St. Elmo, Illinois, have filed a petition seeking the removal of United Food & Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 881 from their workplace.