Labor Board Announces Prosecution of SEIU Union Bosses for Illegal Union Membership Opt-Out Policy

Labor Board Announces Prosecution of SEIU Union Bosses for Illegal Union Membership Opt-Out Policy Illegal union procedure forces nursing home workers to pay full union dues Princeton, WV (April 6, 2010) – The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) regional office in Winston-Salem, North Carolina has issued a federal complaint against a local union for maintaining an “annual objection” policy designed to force nursing home workers into full union dues payments against their will.

Labor Board Announces Prosecution of SEIU Union Bosses for Illegal Union Membership Opt-Out Policy

Princeton, WV (April 6, 2010) – The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) regional office in Winston-Salem, North Carolina has issued a federal complaint against a local union for maintaining an “annual objection” policy designed to force nursing home workers into full union dues payments against their will. The complaint stems from multiple charges filed by six employees from the Princeton area of West Virginia against the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) District 1199. The employees – Sherry French, Walter Coeburn, Tammy Tyree, Bruce Hoyle, Debra Fitzko, and Deborah Dunn – filed the series of charges with free legal assistance from staff attorneys at the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation.

Grocery Store Worker Files Charges against UFCW Union Bosses for Illegal, Unauthorized Dues Deduction

Falls Church, VA (April 1, 2010) – With free legal aid from staff attorneys at the National Right to Work Foundation, a Giant Food employee has filed unfair labor practice charges against United Food & Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 400 union bosses for forcing the employer to deduct union dues from his paycheck even though he exercised his right to refrain from union membership. In the last six months, Peyman Jamshidi learned that unauthorized deductions were being made from his paycheck for union dues, despite the fact that he informed UFCW local 400 union officials that he did not want to be a union member. Because Virginia is a Right to Work state, Giant Food and UFCW Local 400 cannot require nonmember employees to pay union dues as a condition of employment.

Legal Aid Foundation Demands Radical Obama-Recess Appointee to Recuse Himself from 12 Pending Cases

Legal Aid Foundation Demands Radical Obama-Recess Appointee to Recuse Himself from 12 Pending Cases New federal labor board member Craig Becker has demonstrated malice against National Right to Work Foundation and pre-judged cases about workplace freedom and union boss malfeasance

Legal Aid Foundation Demands Radical Obama-Recess Appointee to Recuse Himself from 12 Pending Cases

Washington, DC (March 29, 2010) – After President Barack Obama installed Service Employees International Union (SEIU) lawyer Craig Becker as a recess appointee to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) on Saturday, National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation attorneys are now filing 12 recusal motions asking Becker to step aside in any pending case involving the Foundation. As associate general counsel of the SEIU, Becker directly litigated against Foundation attorneys and helped orchestrate legal strategies for SEIU affiliates across the United States, so he should recuse himself from cases involving the SEIU or its affiliates. Moreover, his published writings indicate an extreme level of hostility against the Foundation and its legal arguments on behalf of workers, even when the NLRB or United States Supreme Court have agreed and ruled against union officials for their abusive practices.

UFCW Operatives Misled Worker into Signing Union Card, Ordered Him Fired for Exercising Rights

UFCW Operatives Misled Worker into Signing Union Card, Ordered Him Fired for Exercising Rights Vons grocer repeatedly told UFCW union officials he objected to formal union membership

UFCW Operatives Misled Worker into Signing Union Card, Ordered Him Fired for Exercising Rights

Escondido, CA (March 22, 2010) – With free legal assistance from the National Right to Work Foundation, a former Vons Grocery employee has filed unfair labor practice charges against United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 135 union officials for misleading him into signing a union card, illegally seizing full union dues from his paycheck, and eventually ordering him fired for attempting to exercise his rights. In September 2007, Nestor Mendez was told by union officials that he could opt out of union membership and full dues payments by filling out a union membership card and writing “Beck Decision” on top of it. Mendez followed these instructions and wrote a letter in January 2008 informing UFCW officials of his decision not to become a union member.

Right to Work on the Radio: Opposing the Forced Unionization of Michigan Homecare Workers

Right to Work President Mark Mix sat down with the Lucy Ann Lance Business Insider to discuss Big Labor's attempt to force Michigan homecare workers into union collectives. Click here to listen or use the embedded player below:

New Right to Work Podcast: Foundation Files Federal Lawsuit After Big Labor Forcibly Unionizes Michigan Homecare Workers

Right to Work President Mark Mix joined Detroit-based radio host Frank Beckmann to discuss Big Labor’s efforts to forcibly unionize homecare workers in Michigan. Click here to download the MP3 or use the embedded player below:

By Hook or By Crook, Big Labor Wants Card Check

It appears Big Labor will stop at nothing to impose card check forced unionism on American workers and job-providers. Public opposition from energized Right to Work supporters and other concerned Americans to the draconian card check bill -- which eliminates the secret ballot in workplace unionization drives, opens up workers to intimidating "home visits," and allows government bureaucrats to impose contracts on workers -- has thus far stalled the legislation in the Senate.