California Farmworkers Fight Back Against Lie-Ridden Union ‘Card Check’

UFW bosses seized power under false pretenses, now stifle any dissent BAKERSFIELD, CA - Claudia Chavez and Maria Gutierrez are two Foundation-represented workers now fighting for their and their coworkers’ rights in a situation that demonstrates the real-life problems that card check creates for worker freedom.

Hadley, MA, Trader Joe’s Employees Seek Vote to Remove SEIU-Backed Union Officials from Store

Trader Joe’s employee testified before U.S. House in May about underhanded union tactics and divisive organizing campaign HADLEY, MA - Employees at the Hadley, MA, location of grocery chain Trader Joe’s have submitted a petition seeking a workplace election to remove the Trader Joe’s United union, an affiliate of the large Service Employees International Union (SEIU).

Hundreds of AT&T Employees Across California and Texas Petition for Votes to Remove Union Installed Through Coercive “Card Check”

Union bosses bypassed secret ballot election with abuse-prone process, but hundreds of workers in each unit now back election to remove union TEXAS & CALIFORNIA - Hundreds of In-Home Experts from AT&T Mobility locations across Texas and California have just signed onto petitions seeking elections to remove Communications Workers of America (CWA) union officials from power over their workplaces.

Grand Rapids GE Worker Slams UAW Union Officials with Federal Charges After Being Terminated for Refusing Membership

In months following repeal of Michigan Right to Work law, workers across the state are standing up to oppose union coercion GRAND RAPIDS, MI - Richard Howard, an employee at General Electric (GE) Aviation Systems’ Grand Rapids facility, has slammed his employer and United Auto Workers (UAW) Local 330 union officials with two sets of federal charges.

CUNY Professors Ask U.S. Supreme Court to Hear Case Challenging Forced Association with Antisemitism-Linked Union

NY law forces professors to be represented by hostile union bosses, but SCOTUS ruling could free public workers nationwide from unwanted union power WASHINGTON, DC - Six City University of New York (CUNY) professors are asking the U.S. Supreme Court to hear their federal civil rights lawsuit charging Professional Staff Congress (PSC) union officials with forcing them to accept the union’s so-called “representation” in violation of their First Amendment rights.

Nurses at Ascension Genesys Hospital Slam Teamsters Local 332 Officials with Federal Charges for Illegal Dues Demands

In months following repeal of Michigan Right to Work law, workers across the state are standing up to oppose forced dues FLINT, MI - Two nurses at Ascension Genesys Hospital in Grand Blanc Township, MI, have hit the Teamsters Local 332 union with federal unfair labor practice charges, maintaining that union bosses threatened to fire them and other nurses if they didn’t sign forms authorizing union officials to deduct dues straight out of their paychecks.

Workers in Ypsilanti and Petoskey Successfully End Union Bosses’ Power to Demand Dues as Similar Efforts Rise Across MI

In rebuke to Right to Work repeal, workers strip Teamsters and ATU of ability to require dues as condition of employment MICHIGAN - Two sets of workers from across the state of Michigan have successfully voted to strip union officials of their powers to force them to pay union dues as a condition of keeping their jobs.

Employees at Eight Philadelphia International Airport Restaurants May Soon Vote Out Unite Here Union Bosses

Federal labor board in Philadelphia rejected all union arguments for blocking employee-requested election; vote now scheduled for July 17 PHILADELPHIA, PA - After almost five months of litigation, Kale Mulugeta and her coworkers at various restaurants throughout Philadelphia International Airport will finally get a chance to vote on whether to remove Unite Here Local 274 union officials from power.

U.S. House Committee Spotlights Need for Employee Protections Against Forced Funding of Extremist Unions

Jewish MIT graduate student forced to pay dues to anti-Israel GSU union will testify alongside National Right to Work Foundation staff attorney WASHINGTON, DC - Today, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Ph. D. student Will Sussman, who is receiving free legal aid from the National Right to Work Foundation in filing federal anti-discrimination charges against union bosses on campus, is testifying before the U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce.

Michigan Security Guards Fight to End Union Bosses’ Forced-Dues Power

Worker blasts state Right to Work repeal: ‘Now... [we] must join or lose our jobs’ GRAND RAPIDS, MI - In a rebuke to the Right to Work repeal, security guards from government buildings across Western Michigan in February backed a “deauthorization petition” that will kick off a process that could strip union officials of the United Government Security Officers of America (UGSOA) of their forced-dues powers.