FOUNDATION ACTION: Pennsylvania Construction Worker Digs Up Illegal Union PAC Scheme

NOTE: This article is from the most recent issue of Foundation Action, our bi-monthly newsletter. You can sign up to receive a print edition of the newsletter here. Pennsylvania Construction Worker Digs Up Illegal Union PAC Scheme Worker loses his job because he didn't contribute to "voluntary" union political fund SCOTTDALE,?PA?– A Pennsylvania-based construction company and a local union are facing federal charges for violating the rights of a former truck driver/laborer.

WVUH Employee’s Persistence Finally Forces Union Bosses to Abide by Federal Settlement

Morgantown, WV (February 28, 2013) – A West Virginia University Hospital employee has finally received justice under a federal settlement after union officials failed to abide by the settlement for months.With aid from the National Right to Work Foundation, Kimberly Wright filed a series of federal charges against a local union for refusing to honor her resignation from formal union membership, forcing her to pay full union dues against her will, and failing to provide the legally-required disclosure of how her forced dues are being spent.Wright initially resigned formal union membership from the Laborers' International Union of North America (LIUNA) Local 814 in December 2010. Wright exercised her rights under the Foundation-won U.S. Supreme Court precedent in Communications Workers v. Beck, which allows workers to refrain from full dues paying union membership.

Right to Work Legal Director Testifies Before Congress on Barriers to Enforcing Employees’ Rights Not to Pay for Union Politics

Washington, DC (February 13, 2013) – Ray LaJeunesse, Vice President and Legal Director of the National Right to Work Foundation, testified today before a subcommittee of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce about the need to more vigorously enforce employees’ rights to refrain from funding union politics. LaJeunesse, who has over 40 years of experience on the Foundation’s legal staff and has argued four cases before the U.S. Supreme Court, repeatedly criticized the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) for its lax enforcement of the rights of workers who wish to refrain from union affiliation. Under the Foundation-won Supreme Court precedent Communication Workers v. Beck, private sector employees have the right to refrain from paying for union activities unrelated to workplace bargaining, such as members-only events and union political activism.

Worker Advocate Seeks to Halt Obama Labor Board from Acting in Union Lobbying Case

Washington, DC (February 11, 2013) – Today, National Right to Work Foundation staff attorneys filed a petition in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit asking the court to order the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to suspend further action in a case that expanded union bosses' powers to charge nonmember workers for union political lobbying.The petition was filed in the wake of the court's ruling last month invalidating President Barack Obama's controversial purported "recess appointments" to the Board. The court held President Obama could not constitutionality make those appointments without U.S. Senate confirmation because the Senate was not in recess. National Right to Work Foundation staff attorneys filed an amicus curiae brief jointly with the Landmark Legal Foundation in the case.

Rhode Island School of Design Technician Wins Settlement from Local Teacher Union

Rhode Island School of Design Technician Wins Settlement from Local Teacher Union Union officials refused to follow Supreme Court precedents Providence, RI (February 4, 2013) – With free legal assistance from National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation staff attorneys, a Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) technician has won an informal settlement from a local union for violating his rights.

Rhode Island School of Design Technician Wins Settlement from Local Teacher Union

Providence, RI (February 4, 2013) – With free legal assistance from National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation staff attorneys, a Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) technician has won an informal settlement from a local union for violating his rights.The settlement stems from a federal unfair labor practice charge Robert Vennerbeck of Providence filed with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) regional office in Boston against the RISD Technical Association union – an affiliate of the National Education Association (NEA) union.

Caterpillar Workers Win Settlement from Machinist Union Hierarchy for Strike Discipline Violations

Chicago, IL (January 17, 2013) – Two Caterpillar (NYSE: CAT) workers have won a settlement from a local Machinist union after union brass illegally charged them full union dues and attempted to punish them for working during a highly-publicized strike against the company even though the workers were not union members.The settlement stems from a federal unfair labor practice charge Daniel Eggleston and Steven Olsen filed with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) regional office in Chicago with free legal assistance from National Right to Work Foundation staff attorneys against the International Association of Machinists (IAM) union and its local District Lodge 851 affiliate.

NLRB Watch: Obama Labor Board Seeks to Maximize Union Boss Power

Deconstructing Communications Workers v. Beck... whatever money the union bosses want, they get.

Sample Letter for Michigan Private Sector Employees

[NOTE: It is recommended that you send this letter to both the union and your employer by certified mail, return receipt.][Date][insert Name of appropriate union officer][insert Name of union][insert Address of union]Dear [insert Name of appropriate union officer]:I am employed by [Name of employer] in the Right to Work state of Michigan. I write to notify you that I do not want to be a member of the union. If your records indicate that I am currently a union member, I hereby resign my membership in the union and all of its affiliates effective immediately.I also notify you that I want to pay only those union dues and fees that I can be lawfully compelled to pay as a condition of my employment under Michigan law, and nothing more.

Ready-Mix Concrete Worker Wins Settlement from Local Teamster Union

Goshen, IN (December 3, 2012) – With free legal assistance from National Right to Work Foundation staff attorneys, a former Eagle Ready Mix concrete worker has won a settlement from a local Teamster union for violating his rights. Edward Chupp of Goshen originally filed an unfair labor practice charge with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) because Teamster Local 364 union officials never informed Eagle Ready Mix workers of their rights, including their right to refrain from full-dues-paying union membership as upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in the Foundation-won Communications Workers v. Beck case. In May, Chupp had informed the union that he was exercising his right under Beck to refrain from formal, full-dues-paying union membership.