First Circuit Court of Appeals Rejects Union Attempt to Overturn Ruling that Nonmember Workers Cannot Be Forced to Fund Union Lobbying

Denial of union boss request for rehearing en banc leaves in place unanimous Appeals Court panel decision in favor of Rhode Island nurse BOSTON, MA - In another victory for longtime Rhode Island nurse Jeanette Geary, the First Circuit Court of Appeals has rejected a request by United Nurses and Allied Professionals (UNAP) union lawyers to rehear UNAP v. NLRB, a case in which they sought to overturn a National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) ruling in favor of Geary and her fellow nurses who objected to being forced to pay for union lobbying expenses.

United Rock Products Foreman Wins Settlement in Case Challenging Illegal Forced Dues Demands by Operating Engineers Union Officials

IOUE officials threatened workers’ jobs to extract dues for period before a monopoly bargaining contract had even been signed with their employer IRWINDALE, CA - Wes Ginier, a foreman with United Rock Products won a settlement in his case at the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) against International Union of Operating Engineers (IOUE) officials for illegally demanding he and his coworkers join the union and pay union dues before a monopoly bargaining contract was even in effect.

Appeals Court Upholds Foundation Victory against Forced Dues for Lobbying

Decade-long NLRB battle results in Appeals Court win for Rhode Island nurse BOSTON, MA – Longtime Rhode Island-based nurse Jeanette Geary has again prevailed in a legal battle waged for over a decade by United Nurses and Allied Professionals (UNAP) union bosses, who seek to force her to fund union lobbying as a condition of keeping her job.

Hawaii Kaiser Permanente Employee Hits Local Union with Federal Charge for Illegal Union Dues Seizures

Union officials ignored two resignation requests, continue to unlawfully charge employee for union politics Hawaii - Nina Chiu, an employee of Kaiser Permanente in Hawaii, filed a federal charge against the UNITE HERE Local 5 union at her workplace.

Judge Rules for ABC Cameraman in Case against NABET Union Officials Who Seized Illegal Dues from His Paycheck

Union bosses ignored his attempts to exercise his rights, now must refund all illegally taken money PORTLAND, OR - Portland-area ABC cameraman Jeremy Brown has just won a decision in his case charging National Association of Broadcast Employees and Technicians (NABET-CWA) Local 51 union officials with demanding and seizing illegal dues from him and for ignoring his multiple attempts to exercise his right to refrain from union membership and not pay for union political activities.

Swedish Medical Center Worker’s Appeal Challenges SEIU Policies that Trap Workers in Full Union Dues

Worker’s brief to NLRB top lawyer: SEIU officials suspected of using forged signature to justify illegal deduction of full union dues SEATTLE, WA – National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation staff attorneys just filed an appeal with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) General Counsel for Swedish Medical Center employee Daniel Dalison.

Swedish Medical Center Employee Wins National Labor Relations Board Appeal in Case against SEIU

Swedish Medical Center Employee Wins National Labor Relations Board Appeal in Case against SEIU WASHINGTON, DC – With free legal aid from the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, Roger White won an appeal to the General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) in his case against the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Healthcare 1199NW.

UNITE HERE Bosses Back Down, Offer Workers Ability to Claim Refunds in Oregon Foodservice Workers’ Case Against Union

Final settlement requires notice informing workers of legal rights and opportunity to obtain refunds of dues taken because of omissions PORTLAND, OR - Two Bon Appetit foodservice workers at Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Oregon, have just won a settlement in their case charging UNITE HERE Local 8 union bosses with hindering the informed exercise of their right to choose whether or not to be union members by failing to provide employees the percentage reduction in union dues they would be required to pay as nonmembers.

Special Legal Notice for Employees of Tenet Healthcare

News outlets reported on October 27, 2020 that Service Employees’ International Union (SEIU)-United Healthcare Workers West officials plan to order more than 4,000 hospital workers to strike against Tenant Healthcare at 11 hospitals in California. This situation raises serious concerns for hospital employees who believe there is much to lose from a union boss-ordered strike […]

Seattle Building Services Worker Wins Settlement against SEIU6 Officials for Illegal Dues Deductions and Deceiving Workers about their Rights

Charges were filed after SEIU failed to provide accurate information about its financials and workers’ constitutional right to object to forced dues