IAM Union Officials Forcing Workers to Pay Union Dues in Violation of WI Right to Work Law

10 Maysteel workers file charges to stop company and union officials from seizing forced union dues Washington County, WI (March 2, 2016) – With free legal assistance from National Right to Work Foundation staff attorneys, ten Maysteel Industries employees have filed charges in Wisconsin State Circuit Court as well as with the Wisconsin Employment Relations […]

National Right to Work Foundation Attorney Defends Wisconsin’s Right to Work Law in Court

IAM lawsuit seeks to overturn labor reform that freed Wisconsin workers from being forced to pay union dues to keep a job Dane County, WI (February 25, 2016) – Today, veteran National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation staff attorney Milton Chappell will defend Wisconsin’s Right to Work law in Dane County Circuit Court against […]

State Commission Strikes Down Michigan Union Bosses’ Scheme to Send Debt Collectors for Illegal Forced Dues

Decision also struck down union “window period” policies that restricted employees’ rights to leave unions, opt out of dues Detroit, MI (February 25, 2016) –The Michigan Employee Relations Commission (MERC) has affirmed the right of Michigan employees to leave a union and stop paying union dues at any time. MERC also ruled that union officials […]

Michigan Teachers Union Hit with Charges for Demanding Forced Union Fees, Violating Right to Work Law

National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation assists public school teachers after Ann Arbor Education Association union officials illegally demanded ‘mandatory’ union fees Ann Arbor, Michigan (February 22, 2016) – With free legal assistance from National Right to Work Foundation staff attorneys, public school teachers in Ann Arbor, Michigan have filed unfair labor practice charges […]

NRTW Foundation Announces West Virginia Task Force to Defend and Enforce Newest Right to Work Law

Foundation staff attorneys will offer free legal representation to West Virginia workers seeking to exercise new Right to Work protections Springfield, VA (February 16, 2016) – The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation announced today the creation of a special task force to defend and enforce West Virginia’s newly-passed Right to Work law. Foundation […]

Federal Lawsuit Slams Oregon SEIU Union Bosses for Illegal Forced-Dues Scheme Violating SCOTUS Ruling

Home healthcare providers file suit to force SEIU Local 503 and state officials to comply fully with Harris v. Quinn, stop blocking providers from exercising their constitutional rights SALEM, Oregon (February 15, 2016) – With free legal assistance from the Freedom Foundation and National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation staff attorneys, a Medicaid-funded home […]

UAW Union Bosses Hit With Federal Charges for Illegally Demanding Tropicana Casino Dealer Join Union

Nonunion casino dealer was threatened by union official: pay back dues or be fired Evansville, IN (February 10, 2016) – A casino dealer has filed, with free legal assistance from National Right to Work Foundation staff attorneys, unfair labor practice charges with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) against the United Auto Workers International union, […]

Union Officials Leave Carteret Holiday Inn to Avoid Worker Vote

Holiday Inn employees had to endure a two-year legal process to force an election that would have removed obstinate union bosses Carteret, NJ (January 29, 2016) – Faced with the prospect of an embarrassing election loss, The New York Hotel and Motel Trades Council Local 6 union officially walked away from the Carteret Holiday Inn. […]

State Commission Affirms Employees’ Rights to Leave Unions, Stop Paying Dues for Politics at Any Time

Decisions struck down union “window period” policies that restricted employees’ rights to leave unions, opt out of dues Detroit, MI (January 22, 2016) – In two recent cases, the Michigan Employee Relations Commission (MERC) has affirmed the right of Michigan employees to leave a union and stop paying dues for union politics at any time. […]

SEIU Disclaims “Representation” over Des Peres Hospital Employees on the Eve of Vote to Kick Union Out

After employees pushed to remove the union, SEIU bosses gave up their workplace privileges to avoid an embarrassing election loss St. Louis, MO (January 14, 2016) – On the eve of an election that almost certainly would have resulted in a defeat for SEIU Healthcare IL/IN/MO/KS, union officials renounced their workplace bargaining privileges over approximately […]