Teamsters Officials Back Down After Being Hit with Charges Brought by UPS Worker Who Was Falsely Told He Must Join Union or Be Fired

To avoid prosecution, Teamsters agree to inform workers of their legal rights & correct false statements claiming membership was mandatory QUEENS, NY – Teamsters union officials at a UPS warehouse in Queens, New York, settled charges brought by Kamil Fraczek, an employee who was misled by union officials about his legal rights.

Oregon ABC Cameraman Wins Ruling Against Illegal Dues-Seizing NABET Bosses

Administrative Law Judge orders union boss to refund all illegally taken money PORTLAND, OR – Jeremy Brown, a “daily hire” cameraman for ABC who had worked on and off for the company since 1999, received a series of letters from the new union honcho, demanding he pay nearly $10,000 in initiation fees and so-called “back-agency dues.” Brown quickly obtained free legal aid from National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation staff attorneys and asserted his rights under the Foundation-won CWA v. Beck Supreme Court decision.

Special Legal Notice for Employees of J. Ambrogi Food Distribution, Inc. (JAF)

Media reports indicate that Teamsters Local 929 union officials at your workplace have ordered (or will order) a strike against your employer, apparently in response to your employer’s decision to withdraw recognition from the union at a related company, based on a majority petition urging JAF leadership to cease dealing with the union. Reports have […]

UNITE HERE Bosses Back Down after Hawaii Kaiser Permanente Employee Files Federal Charge Challenging Illegal Dues Seizures

Employee asserted right under Beck Supreme Court decision to opt-out of paying for union politics Hawaii - By filing federal charges against the UNITE HERE Local 5 union, Honolulu Kaiser Permanente employee Nina Chiu has successfully defended her rights under the CWA v. Beck U.S. Supreme Court decision.

UPS Worker Files Unfair Labor Practice Charge after Teamsters Official Repeatedly Threatens: Join Union and Pay Dues or Be Fired

Teamsters representative falsely told warehouse worker he could be fired if he did not become a union member and pay full dues QUEENS, NY – Kamil Fraczek works in a New York City UPS warehouse whose employees are subject to monopoly representation by Teamsters Local 804. On March 15, 2021, Fraczek filed an unfair labor practice charge with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) after a Teamsters union official made repeated threats to his job and deceived him about his legal rights.

Special Legal Notice for Employees of Tenet Healthcare at Saint Vincent Hospital

News outlets reported on March 9, 2021, that Massachusetts Nurses Association officials ordered more than 800 hospital workers to strike against Tenet Healthcare at Saint Vincent Hospital in Worcester, Massachusetts, beginning on March 9. This situation raises serious concerns for hospital employees who believe there is much to lose from a union boss-ordered strike and […]

Union-Label Biden Labor Board Appointee Moves to Scuttle Foundation Cases

Unprecedented: Biden removes NLRB top prosecutor despite 11 months left on his term WASHINGTON, DC – With National Right to Work Foundation staff attorneys having won numerous National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) cases in recent years curtailing coercive union practices, union bosses pushed the Biden Administration to take unprecedented measures to protect Big Labor’s power over rank-and-file workers.

Seattle Employee Appeals NLRB Regional Director’s Sudden Reversal in Case Against SEIU Union Officials for Illegal Dues Seizures

Regional NLRB official asked worker to amend the charge against SEIU following successful appeal, now dismisses specifically-requested charges WASHINGTON, DC - With free legal aid from the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, Seattle building services employee Roger White is appealing the dismissal of his case charging Service Employees International Union (SEIU) 1199NW officials with maintaining deceptive dues practices and illegally siphoning money from his paycheck.

Oregon Cameraman Asks Labor Board to Reject Act of Biden-Selected ‘Acting General Counsel’ Peter Ohr as Without Proper Legal Authority

NLRB asked to deny motion filed for Ohr on grounds that Biden illegally fired and replaced Senate-Confirmed General Counsel Peter Robb WASHINGTON, DC - Oregon-based ABC cameraman Jeremy Brown is challenging an attempt by National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) so-called “Acting General Counsel” Peter Ohr to withdraw a brief that Ohr’s predecessor, Peter Robb, filed defending Brown from threats he received from a union lawyer.

Raymond J. LaJeunesse, Jr.

Raymond J. LaJeunesse, Jr. Legal Director Emeritus (2023-present) Raymond LaJeunesse, Jr., was Vice President and Legal Director of the National Right toWork Legal Defense Foundation from 2001 to April 29, 2023.  He became the first FoundationStaff Attorney in 1971 and has more than fifty years of experience helping workers in litigation in federal and state […]