Supreme Court decision on public sector-forced dues, battles over state Right to Work laws, and new bureaucratic push to expand Big Labor’s privileges all loom

Springfield, VA (September 4, 2015) – Mark Mix, president of the National Right to Work Foundation and the National Right to Work Committee, issued the following statement on the occasion of Labor Day 2015:

“This Labor Day, many Americans will enjoy a well-deserved three day weekend. After the festivities, vacations, and beach trips have ended, however, several important fights for employee freedom loom on the horizon.

“The Supreme Court recently agreed to hear a case that could end all public-sector forced dues in one fell swoop. The Friedrichs challenge would not have been possible without two recent, National Right to Work Foundation-won Supreme Court cases – Harris v. Quinn and Knox v. SEIU – and we hope the High Court will take this opportunity to end the practice of forcing civil servants to pay union dues just to work for their own government.

“Meanwhile, state-level legislative activity over the Right to Work issue will continue to expand. Recently enacted Right to Work laws in Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin have spurred efforts to emulate those reforms in states across the country. The fight to expand employee freedom, encourage economic growth, and roll back union bosses’ special privileges will continue from Maine to Ohio to Missouri, and the National Right to Work Committee will be mobilizing for all of these efforts.

“All of this takes place against the backdrop of an Administration that has abandoned all pretense of neutrality in an effort to expand Big Labor’s privileges through bureaucratic channels. Under President Obama, the Department of Labor, the National Labor Relations Board, and other federal agencies have relentlessly favored union officials’ power, frequently at the expense of independent-minded employees’ rights.

“This Labor Day, as we celebrate hard-working Americans from all walks of life, we should also be preparing and engaging in these important battles against compulsory unionism in both the legislative and legal arenas.”

Mix’s statement can be watched on YouTube here or listened to here. Mix and other Right to Work experts are also available for comment on a variety of labor-related issues. For more information, contact Will Collins at (703) 770-3317 or via email at [email protected].

The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation is a nonprofit, charitable organization providing free legal aid to employees whose human or civil rights have been violated by compulsory unionism abuses. The Foundation, which can be contacted toll-free at 1-800-336-3600, assists thousands of employees in about 200 cases nationwide per year.

Posted on Sep 4, 2015 in News Releases