Recently Politico reported on a new Big Labor tactic to help pass the latest union boss power grab, the woefully misnamed Employee Free Choice Act (more accurately called the Card Check Forced Unionism Bill).  Politico acquired a revealing letter and accompanying survey sent by Teamsters Local 507 in Cleveland to Wall Street fund managers:

"Has your company made any public statements in support or opposition to EFCA?" asks one of nine pointed questions in a polite, detailed four-page questionnaire.

"If ‘Yes,’ please explain."

The cover letter, signed by the local’s Secretary-Treasurer and President, makes the union’s purpose even more clear:

As a trustee, I have an obligation to determine whether our fund’s asset managers are engaged in partisan political activity that could adversely affect our fund, its participants, and beneficiaries.  I therefore request that you complete the enclosed Asset Manger [sic] Survey to disclose your firm’s political spending and activity with regard to this important issue and return it to me with in the next couple of weeks.

Apparently they don’t actually know what being a trustee of a pension fund entails.  They have a fiduciary duty to ensure the financial health of the union members’ pension fund.  But here, these union bosses are putting politics, lobbying, and their desire to crush more workers under the thumb of forced unionism ahead of their fiduciary duty.

The Teamsters Local 507 union bosses — likely as part of a wider strategy of the Change to Win union cartel — want to know whether a company managing their pension funds has in any way opposed the job-killing, freedom-crushing Card Check Forced Unionism bill, by taking a public position, supporting certain politicians, or having any kind of relationship with various organizations, including the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, which they list by name.

The National Right to Work Foundation is a charitable, nonprofit organization which provides free legal aid to the victims of compulsory unionism, including victims of card check intimidation.  Foundation attorneys are bracing for the cries for help from countless workers who will face ugly intimidation and violence if the Card Check Forced Unionism Bill becomes law, thereby making the less-abusive secret ballot election for union certification a dead letter.

Posted on Jun 3, 2009 in Blog