Here on Freedom@Work, we’ve kept you updated about the Obama Administration’s payback after payback to the union bosses who spent over one billion dollars in 2008 getting Barack Obama and other forced unionism proponents elected.

From rolling back union disclosure guidelines to slashing the budget of the Department of Labor’s union watchdog agency to blacklistining nonunion construction workers from "stimulus" projects, the Obama Administration hasn’t been shy about rewarding union brass.

So Friday’s news about the White House’s visitor list isn’t exactly a shocker, but it says an awful lot about the Administration’s priorities: no one has visited the White House more than Service Employees International Union chief Andy Stern.

Stern, of course, is one of the nation’s most politically powerful union barons.  Under Stern’s reign, the SEIU has also been marked by scandal after scandal, dissatisfied and unhappy workers and union members, and vicious campaigns against workers and employers.

Posted on Nov 4, 2009 in Blog