Union bosses are trying to downplay the impact of their ‘Card Check Forced Unionism’ legislation in Right to Work states.  While Right to Work laws are critical in protecting employees from forced union dues and in creating jobs and a higher standard of living, the fact is they do not deter coercive union organizing and other types of union abuse. The National Right to Work Foundation has released a short backgrounder on this topic, which is now available for download here.

Although state Right to Work laws do ensure that no worker can be forced to pay union dues as a condition of employment, card check organizing campaigns make it dramatically easier for Big Labor to install union cronies in workplaces across the country. The end result is that even in Right to Work states, employees can be forced to accept union "representation" — where union bosses may dictate the terms and conditions of their employment.

Read the whole thing for a clearer picture of how card check legislation will impact workers’ livelihoods across the country, even if they live in Right to Work states.

Posted on Aug 7, 2009 in Blog