A few Right to Work-related updates from around the Internet:
1.) Over at "The Next Right," blogger Soren Dayton has an interesting post up about the implications for Right to Work if a union stooge wins the White House. Money quote:
This vision is about coercively moving more and more Americans into political organizations which use their precious financial resources in a way that they neither control nor even understand.
The entry also offers a compelling indictment of the SEIU’s reliance on "card check" organizing drives. Check out the rest of the post here.
2.) The Detroit News has published a rebuttal by Foundation President Mark Mix to a union operative’s misleading editorial on the economic benefits of Right to Work policies. Here’s the letter’s conclusion:
While the moral case for a right-to-work law rests on the principle
that no worker should be compelled to join a union against his or her
will, the economic benefits of protecting employee freedom are also clear. Michigan lawmakers would do well to heed the example of their more prosperous right-to-work neighbors when contemplating what to do about the Wolverine State’s economic woes.
Read the whole thing here.