7 Dec 2009

Right to Work on Glenn Beck: Dissecting Big Labor’s “Jobs Summit”

Posted in TV & Radio

Right to Work President Mark Mix recently appeared on The Glenn Beck Show to discuss Big Labor’s plans for "job creation":

7 Dec 2009

Teamsters Local Bosses Attempt to Prevent Employees From Canceling Their Forced Dues Privileges

Posted in News Releases

Auburn, Washington (December 7, 2009) – In a desperate attempt to stall an employee vote at Alan Ritchey, Inc. which would rescind their forced dues privileges, Teamsters Local 117 union bosses filed unfair labor practice charges against the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, asking the federal labor board to block an election sought by the employees.

Stefan Gleason, vice president of National Right to Work, released the following statement regarding the Teamster Local 117 officials’ charges:

“Teamster Local 117 union bosses’ desperate attempt to abuse the process to strip employees of their rightful vote to remove the Teamsters’ forced union dues privileges is outright frivolous. Sensing a lack of support from the employees, Teamsters Local 117 union officials are using procedural gimmicks to keep their forced-dues gravy train going.

“National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation attorneys have represented several independent-minded employees who have been targeted by Local 117 union brass during their ongoing campaign of retaliation and harassment against employees who exercise their legal rights to refrain from funding union political activities. It’s downright ludicrous to suggest that a legal foundation located on the other side of the country is somehow coercing the employees who contacted us on their own for help.

“Forced union dues is an outrageous violation of employees’ freedom of association, and it leads to an unaccountable union hierarchy. Union officials don’t want to have to earn the support of rank and file workers, instead preferring to possess the power to get employees fired for nonpayment of union dues.”

With help from Foundation attorneys, Alan Ritchey, Inc. employees Gayle May and Patricia Allen – acting for dozens of other similarly-situated employees of the mail transportation equipment repair and service center – filed unfair labor practice charges against Local 117 last month.

The employees received a letter from union officials giving them only a few days to exercise their Foundation-won legal rights to refrain from paying union dues spent for non-bargaining activities like political activism, lobbying, and member-only events – even though the employees had already exercised these rights – or be fired from their jobs. At about the same time, other Alan Ritchey employees also filed a petition seeking a deauthorization election which would void the forced union dues clause in the contract with their employer.

7 Dec 2009

Teamsters Local Bosses Attempt to Prevent Employees From Canceling Their Forced Dues Privileges

Posted in News Releases

News Release

Teamsters Local Bosses Attempt to Prevent Employees From Canceling Their Forced Dues Privileges

Fearing a lack of support, union bosses abuse process to prevent employee vote

Auburn, Washington (December 7, 2009) – In a desperate attempt to stall an employee vote at Alan Ritchey, Inc. which would rescind their forced dues privileges, Teamsters Local 117 union bosses filed unfair labor practice charges against the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, asking the federal labor board to block an election sought by the employees.

Stefan Gleason, vice president of National Right to Work, released the following statement regarding the Teamster Local 117 officials’ charges:

“Teamster Local 117 union bosses’ desperate attempt to abuse the process to strip employees of their rightful vote to remove the Teamsters’ forced union dues privileges is outright frivolous. Sensing a lack of support from the employees, Teamsters Local 117 union officials are using procedural gimmicks to keep their forced-dues gravy train going.

“National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation attorneys have represented several independent-minded employees who have been targeted by Local 117 union brass during their ongoing campaign of retaliation and harassment against employees who exercise their legal rights to refrain from funding union political activities. It’s downright ludicrous to suggest that a legal foundation located on the other side of the country is somehow coercing the employees who contacted us on their own for help.

“Forced union dues is an outrageous violation of employees’ freedom of association, and it leads to an unaccountable union hierarchy. Union officials don’t want to have to earn the support of rank and file workers, instead preferring to possess the power to get employees fired for nonpayment of union dues.”

(Read the full press release)

4 Dec 2009

Podcast: Bluegrass State Teachers Win First Round of Legal Battle Against Forced Union Dues

Posted in Blog

Regular Freedom@Work readers may remember a Foundation lawsuit filed in September against the Jefferson County Teacher Association union and its national affiliate, the NEA. Right to Work attorneys are attacking the union hierarchy’s overall monopoly bargaining privilege, as well as its illegal union membership policy that automatically enrolls teachers as union members, holds them hostage in full union membership, and forces unwilling educators to pay union dues.

Although the embarrassment of the lawsuit forced Kentucky union bosses to announce a few minor concessions, Right to Work attorneys are pressing forward to take down the union’s entire forced union dues scheme. Foundation VP Stefan Gleason appeared on the nationally-syndicated Francene Show last Tuesday to discuss the case. Click here to listen or use the embedded player below:

You can also listen to the Foundation’s podcast via iTunes or manually subscribe to the feed.

3 Dec 2009

Here’s an Idea for Obama’s Job Summit: End Forced Unionism!

Posted in Blog

As we brace ourselves for tonight’s “Job Summit,” brought to you courtesy of the Obama Administration and its Big Labor allies, it’s worth considering an idea that might actually help raise the employment rate — passage of more Right to Work laws.

Studies have repeatedly shown that forced unionism states lag behind Right to Work states in terms of job creation, economic growth, and worker income. If the Obama Administration is really interested in creating more jobs, it should take heed of this study from the National Institute for Labor Relations Research:

For many years, U.S. Labor Department data have shown that states with Right to Work laws on the books have far faster private-sector job growth than states that do not protect employees from federal policies authorizing the termination of workers for refusal to pay dues or fees to an unwanted union.

Between 1995 and 2005, private-sector jobs in Right to Work states increased by a net 20.2%. That’s a 79% greater increase than the relatively small increase in private-sector jobs experienced by non-Right to Work states over this period.

Of course, the case for Right to Work laws rests on more than just employment numbers, as no worker should be forced to join a union or pay union dues just to keep a job. Unfortunately, union bosses and their political allies have never much cared for workers’ individual freedoms, but will the prospect of skyrocketing unemployment rates cause them to change their tune?  We won’t hold our breath.

2 Dec 2009

Union Watchdog Files Second Disclosure Request to Investigate Obama Labor Department Stonewalling

Posted in News Releases

News Release

Union Watchdog Files Second Disclosure Request to Investigate Obama Labor Department Stonewalling

Media report indicates Department of Labor officials are “in a tizzy and freaking out” over federal lawsuit

Washington, DC (December 2, 2009) – The National Right to Work Foundation has filed new disclosure demands on the heels of its lawsuit to compel the Department of Labor (DOL) to release information related to high-ranking officials’ connections to powerful union lobbying interests.

A media report indicates DOL officials have deliberately ignored disclosure laws, and Right to Work attorneys are seeking internal DOL records backing up the report.

National Right to Work originally lodged a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request last April citing concerns about Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis, who previously held a key leadership position at the Big Labor-front group “American Rights at Work,” and Deborah Greenfield, who was a lawyer for the AFL-CIO involved in a lawsuit challenging DOL union disclosure regulations that she now oversees as an administration appointee.

For the last seven months, the Obama Administration has stonewalled the Foundation’s FOIA request seeking disclosure of the high-ranking DOL officials’ contacts with union operatives. Late last month, Right to Work attorneys filed suit in federal court to force the Obama Administration to fulfill its obligations under the Freedom of Information Act.

Subsequent media coverage has revealed DOL officials apparently decided to ignore the Foundation’s FOIA request, but facing the lawsuit and negative publicity is now reconsidering. Additionally, one media report cited a high-placed source stating that panicked DOL officials “are in a tizzy and freaking out” because of the Foundation’s lawsuit.

(Read the full press release)

2 Dec 2009

Union Watchdog Files Second Disclosure Request to Investigate Obama Labor Department Stonewalling

Posted in News Releases

Washington, D.C. (December 2, 2009) – The National Right to Work Foundation has filed new disclosure demands on the heels of its lawsuit to compel the Department of Labor (DOL) to release information related to high-ranking officials’ connections to powerful union lobbying interests.

A media report indicates DOL officials have deliberately ignored disclosure laws, and Right to Work attorneys are seeking internal DOL records backing up the report.

National Right to Work originally lodged a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request last April citing concerns about Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis, who previously held a key leadership position at the Big Labor-front group “American Rights at Work,” and Deborah Greenfield, who was a lawyer for the AFL-CIO involved in a lawsuit challenging DOL union disclosure regulations that she now oversees as an administration appointee.

For the last seven months, the Obama Administration has stonewalled the Foundation’s FOIA request seeking disclosure of the high-ranking DOL officials’ contacts with union operatives. Late last month, Right to Work attorneys filed suit in federal court to force the Obama Administration to fulfill its obligations under the Freedom of Information Act.

Subsequent media coverage has revealed DOL officials apparently decided to ignore the Foundation’s FOIA request, but facing the lawsuit and negative publicity is now reconsidering. Additionally, one media report cited a high-placed source stating that panicked DOL officials “are in a tizzy and freaking out” because of the Foundation’s lawsuit.

Today, Foundation attorneys filed another FOIA request this time for the DOL’s search plan and interoffice communications – including emails, meeting minutes, notes, and other interoffice correspondence – relating to the initial FOIA request.

“President Obama’s widely-touted promise of unparalleled transparency has been met with unparalleled secrecy,” said Stefan Gleason, vice president of the National Right to Work Foundation. “The Department of Labor’s deliberate stonewalling is unsettling. It suggests the administration is hiding damaging information about whether Hilda Solis and Deborah Greenfield are coordinating their activities with pro-compulsory unionism extremists.”

“Giving Big Labor undue influence over the Department’s rule-making and administrative oversight is a slap in the face of America’s independent-minded workers. The public deserves to know about any collusion between this administration and Big Labor bosses.”

1 Dec 2009

Podcast: Right to Work Pushes Obama’s Staff to Disclose Big Labor Ties

Posted in Blog

Right to Work President Mark Mix recently appeared on the Jason Lewis Show for an extensive interview on the Foundation’s efforts to force the Obama Administration to reveal its close — and apparently unethical — ties to Big Labor insiders. Click here to listen or use the embedded player below.

You can also listen to the Foundation’s podcast via iTunes or manually subscribe to the feed

25 Nov 2009

This Holiday Season, Shop Online and Help Right to Work!

Posted in Blog

The holiday season is upon us, and if you are like me, you still have plenty of presents to buy for family and friends. There has never been a better time to take advantage of the National Right to Work Foundation’s relationship with GoodShop.com.

GoodShop: You Shop...We Give!
Through GoodShop, you can shop at more than 700 top online retailers and a percentage of your purchases will go to help the Foundation provide free legal aid to victims of compulsory unionism.

Participating online stores include Amazon, Apple, Best Buy, Gap, Macy’s, Old Navy, Target, Toys R Us, and many, many more.

It’s free and easy to use. Just go to Goodshop.com, select the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation as your charity, and click on the retailer of your choice.

You can also help the Foundation even more by replacing your search engine with GoodSearch.com. With each search, GoodSearch sends a portion of the advertising revenue to the Foundation.

And if you’re feeling particularly generous, click here to learn about all the ways you can support the Foundation.

24 Nov 2009

Right to Work Pushes Obama Administration to Disclose Ties to Big Labor Insiders

Posted in Blog

Last Friday, Right to Work attorneys filed a federal lawsuit with the Department of Labor to force the Obama Administration to release any documents related to high-ranking officials’ connections to Big Labor. Right to Work President Mark Mix recently sat down with nationally-syndicated radio host Lars Larson to discuss the Foundation’s push for greater disclosure. Click here to listen or use the embedded player below:

You can also listen to the Foundation’s podcast via iTunes or manually subscribe to the feed