Leading Worker Advocate Commemorates National Employee Freedom Week
Washington, DC (June 25, 2013) – The National Right to Work Foundation, a charitable organization that provides free legal assistance to employees nationwide, is joining the Nevada Policy Research Institute and a host of other organizations to commemorate National Employee Freedom Week. The weeklong event is dedicated to informing employees across the country of their rights to refrain from union membership and the payment of full union dues.
Employee Freedom Week was originally conceived by the Nevada Policy Research Institute as a way to reach employees who may be unaware of or misinformed about their workplace rights. As a leading organization dedicated to fighting compulsory unionism, the National Right to Work Foundation has been involved in efforts to raise employee awareness of their rights to refrain since its founding in 1968.
The Foundation has distributed video segments online explaining worker rights, broadcast public service announcements on radio programs across the country, and published numerous opinion pieces in local and national outlets on the importance of informing workers about their rights to refrain from union membership and the payment of full union dues.
Moreover, Foundation staff attorneys have litigated for workers in all 50 states to enforce employees’ rights to opt out of union membership. In fact, the scofflaw union that originally inspired National Employee Freedom Week – the Clark County Education Association – was once the target of a Foundation unfair labor practice charge aimed at helping a Nevada teacher resign his union membership.
Foundation attorneys have won several significant Supreme Court cases that limit Big Labor’s forced-dues powers and protect workers’ rights to refrain from union activity. Last year, Foundation attorneys won the Knox v. SEIU Supreme Court case, establishing an important legal precedent outlined in the decision’s majority opinion: “When a public sector union imposes a special assessment or dues increase, the union must provide [a notice of the purpose of the assessment or increase] and may not exact any funds from nonmembers without their affirmative consent.” Because of that case, SEIU bosses must soon refund over $8 million in illegally-seized fees (including interest) to nonunion employees.
“Thanks in part to Big Labor, which thrives on misleading employees, many workers are simply unaware of their rights to refrain from union membership and the payment of full union dues,” said Mark Mix, President of the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation. “In fact, workers in the 24 states with Right to Work laws cannot be required to pay any union dues as a condition of employment.”
“It’s vital that workers are informed of these important rights, and National Employee Freedom Week is a great way to spread the message,” continued Mix.
Supreme Court to Hear National Right to Work Foundation Case Challenging Backroom Union Organizing Deal
Supreme Court to Hear National Right to Work Foundation Case Challenging Backroom Union Organizing Deal
Right to Work legal challenge could determine if companies are allowed to hand over sensitive employee information to aggressive union organizers
Washington, DC (June 24, 2013) – Today, the United States Supreme Court announced that it is granting a writ of certiorari in Mulhall v. UNITE HERE, a case that could determine if companies are allowed to hand over workers’ personal information to union organizers in exchange for union concessions, among other things.
In 2004, UNITE HERE Local 355 and Mardi Gras Gaming entered into an agreement in which union officials promised to spend over one hundred thousand dollars on a gambling ballot initiative and guaranteed not to picket, boycott, or strike against Mardi Gras facilities.
In return, Mardi Gras agreed to give union operatives employees’ personal contact information (including home addresses) and grant access to company facilities during a coercive ‘card check’ organizing campaign, refrain from informing workers about the downsides of unionization, and refrain from requesting a federally-supervised secret ballot election to determine whether employees unionized.
Supreme Court to Hear National Right to Work Foundation Case Challenging Backroom Union Organizing Deal
Washington, DC (June 24, 2013) – Today, the United States Supreme Court announced that it is granting a writ of certiorari in Mulhall v. UNITE HERE, a case that could determine if companies are allowed to hand over workers’ personal information to union organizers in exchange for union concessions, among other things.
In 2004, UNITE HERE Local 355 and Mardi Gras Gaming entered into an agreement in which union officials promised to spend over one hundred thousand dollars on a gambling ballot initiative and guaranteed not to picket, boycott, or strike against Mardi Gras facilities.
In return, Mardi Gras agreed to give union operatives employees’ personal contact information (including home addresses) and grant access to company facilities during a coercive ‘card check’ organizing campaign, refrain from informing workers about the downsides of unionization, and refrain from requesting a federally-supervised secret ballot election to determine whether employees unionized.
With the help of Foundation staff attorneys, Mardi Gras Gaming employee Martin Mulhall filed a lawsuit challenging this organizing pact in 2008. Under the Labor Management Relations Act, employers are prohibited from handing over “any money or other thing of value” to union organizers, a provision that is supposed to prevent union officials from selling out workers’ rights in exchange for corporate concessions. Mulhall argued that the company’s concessions were of substantial monetary value because they made UNITE HERE’s organizing drive easier and less expensive.
Mulhall won a significant victory last spring, when the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the company’s organizing assistance could constitute “a thing of value.” UNITE HERE lawyers quickly appealed the decision to the Supreme Court, prompting Foundation attorneys to file a cross-petition asking the Court to review certain aspects of the Eleventh Circuit’s ruling.
Foundation attorneys believe that the Eleventh Circuit’s decision was too narrowly tailored to prevent companies from aiding union organizers with valuable concessions. The Supreme Court will now revisit whether the company’s organizing assistance constitutes “a thing of value.”
“We hope the Supreme Court will expand upon the Eleventh Circuit’s landmark ruling and ensure that union organizers can’t cut backroom deals with management,” said Mark Mix, President of the National Right to Work Foundation. “Companies shouldn’t be allowed to turn over employees’ personal information to unscrupulous Big Labor organizers as a negotiating tactic.”
Worker Advocate Offers $10,000 Reward for Information Leading to Convictions in Firebombings of Worker’s Cars
Worker Advocate Offers $10,000 Reward’s Cars
Worker alleges union militants threatened non-striking workers and their families; police reports show two vehicles damaged during the same night
Chicago, IL (June 18, 2013) – The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation has announced today a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrests and convictions of those responsible for damaging a South Water Market, Inc. worker’s personal and work vehicles during a Teamster union strike.
With free legal assistance from National Right to Work Foundation staff attorneys, the Chicago-area South Water Market worker filed a federal charge last week against the Teamsters Local 703 union alleging that union militants threatened him, his family and his property, and that his personal property was damaged shortly after he received those threats.
Worker Advocate Offers $10,000 Reward for Information Leading to Convictions in Firebombings of Worker’s Cars
Chicago, IL (June 18, 2013) – The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation has announced today a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrests and convictions of those responsible for damaging a South Water Market, Inc. worker’s personal and work vehicles during a Teamster union strike.
With free legal assistance from National Right to Work Foundation staff attorneys, the Chicago-area South Water Market worker filed a federal charge last week against the Teamsters Local 703 union alleging that union militants threatened him, his family and his property, and that his personal property was damaged shortly after he received those threats.
The worker filed the charge with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) regional office in Chicago.
Teamsters Local 703 has been on strike at South Water Market. However, some of the workers are not union members and refuse to abandon their jobs. Under federal law, workers who are not union members cannot be disciplined for continuing to work during a strike.
According to the worker’s federal charge, union agents harassed and threatened nonmember workers who continue working to support their families. In the charge, the worker states that his personal property was damaged soon after the threats. The worker is seeking compensatory damages.
Two Chicago Police Department “Victim of Information Notices” reflect reports of property damage, one incident “by fire.”
A video posted on Youtube.com purports to show security camera footage of a South Water Market work truck on fire while someone on the sidewalk watches. The video also shows the purported damage to the truck after the fire was extinguished. Moreover, the video shows striking Teamster union militants asking each other “are we gonna kill ’em or what?” and stating that they are going to “test the guys out today” while posing like boxers.
“Far too often union violence in America goes unpunished,” said Mark Mix, President of the National Right to Work Foundation. “We hope this reward will help bring these criminals to justice.”
Anyone involved in the crimes is not eligible for a reward. The Foundation will decide who, if anyone, has earned the reward, and the reward may be split among multiple informants.
District Court’s Order Sets the Stage for Multi-million Dollar Refund from SEIU to Nonunion California State Employees
Bakersfield, CA (June 18, 2013) – A California District Court Judge has issued an order setting interest rates for the refund of an illegally-seized forced dues assessment by Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 1000 from thousands of California civil servants in 2005. The order results from last year’s Knox v. SEIU Supreme Court ruling, which held that the SEIU’s collection of union dues for political activism violated the rights of nonunion employees, who were never given notice of the assessment or an opportunity to opt out.
Diane Knox and her seven co-plaintiffs were represented by National Right to Work Foundation staff attorneys, who provided them with free legal assistance throughout their long legal battle.
SEIU lawyers had argued that nonmembers’ refunds should be calculated using the near-historically low interest rates applying at the end of the legal battle. The court disagreed, using rates that prevailed at the time the monies were seized in 2005 and 2006, 21-29 times higher than the rate the union sought.
According to preliminary estimates, the total judgment for refunds could cost the SEIU up to eight million dollars.
The final judgment concludes a prolonged legal challenge affecting some 42,000 California government employees. In 2005, union officials imposed a “special assessment” to raise money from all state employees subject to SEIU monopoly bargaining, regardless of their membership status. The fund was used to defeat a series of ballot proposals, including one that would have revoked public employee unions’ special privilege of using forced fees for politics without affirmative employee consent. Civil servants who refrained from union membership were given no chance to opt out of paying for the SEIU’s political assessment, which union officials labeled a “political fight back fund.”
On June 21, 2012, the Supreme Court issued a 7-2 decision that struck down the SEIU’s forced-dues fundraising scheme. A 5-4 majority went further and ruled that any future special assessments cannot be seized from nonmembers unless they affirmatively consent – or “opt in.”
“Eight years after the forced assessments began, tens of thousands of nonunion California civil servants are finally about to get their money back from SEIU bosses,” said Patrick Semmens, Vice President of the National Right to Work Foundation. “Although it’s taken far too long for these workers to receive justice, it’s fitting that in the process of winning this case at the Supreme Court, we’ve also expanded the protections nonunion workers enjoy to refrain from paying for union politics.”
Local Unions Attempt to Circumvent Indiana’s Right to Work Law
Local Unions Attempt to Circumvent Indiana’s Right to Work Law
Union officials game system to collect union dues and fees despite Indiana’s popular Right to Work law
Indianapolis, IN (June 14, 2013) – In separate cases, two Indianapolis-area workers have filed charges against two local unions for violating their rights to refrain from union dues payments.
With free legal assistance from National Right to Work Foundation staff attorneys, the two workers filed federal unfair labor practice charges with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).
In one case, Indianapolis AT&T (NYSE: T) worker Joshua Sterrett resigned membership in the Communications Workers of America (CWA) Local 4900 union on January 21, 2013. Even though CWA Local 4900 union officials acknowledged Sterrett’s union membership resignation on January 30, Sterrett alleges that union officials failed to tell him how he could timely revoke his dues deductions. As a result, he is forced to pay union fees for an additional year.
Local Unions Attempt to Circumvent Indiana’s Right to Work Law
Indianapolis, IN (June 14, 2013) – In separate cases, two Indianapolis-area workers have filed charges against two local unions for violating their rights to refrain from union dues payments.
With free legal assistance from National Right to Work Foundation staff attorneys, the two workers filed federal unfair labor practice charges with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).
In one case, Indianapolis AT&T (NYSE: T) worker Joshua Sterrett resigned membership in the Communications Workers of America (CWA) Local 4900 union on January 21, 2013. Even though CWA Local 4900 union officials acknowledged Sterrett’s union membership resignation on January 30, Sterrett alleges that union officials failed to tell him how he could timely revoke his dues deductions. As a result, he is forced to pay union fees for an additional year.
In the second case, Indianapolis Kroger (NYSE: KR) worker Julie Huffman resigned membership in the United Food and Commercial Worker (UFCW) Local 700 union in May 2012, when the union did not have a forced dues contract in effect. Although union officials recognized Huffman’s union membership resignation, they informed her that she could not stop deduction of union dues for almost another year.
This year, Huffman attempted to follow the union hierarchy’s instructions on how to stop union dues payments. However, this time the union hierarchy denied her request because it was submitted two days late. UFCW Local 700 union officials continue to collect full union dues from Huffman’s paychecks.
Huffman’s charge alleges that the UFCW union’s restrictions of dues deduction revocations to a 5-day period by certified mail are unreasonable and arbitrary and violate federal law.
“Despite Indiana’s popular new Right to Work law, union officials are illegally extracting union dues and fees from workers by any means possible,” said Patrick Semmens, Vice President of the National Right to Work Foundation. “These illegal actions must stop.””
California Labor Board Upholds Workers’ Decision to Eject Unwanted UFW Union
Salinas, CA (June 14, 2013) – After a prolonged legal battle, the California Agricultural Labor Relations Board (ALRB) has determined that a unionization election at Corralitos Farms, Inc. rejecting the United Farm Workers (UFW) union was lawfully conducted. The election was originally held on September 26, 2012, but was subsequently challenged by UFW lawyers after a majority of workers voted against unionization.
National Right to Work Foundation staff attorneys represented employees who opposed the union’s presence and were called to testify at the initial ALRB hearing on the election.
When the ballots were counted last September, a clear majority of employees voted against unionization. UFW operatives refused to accept the results and instead moved to overturn the election by filing charges against Corralitos Farms, alleging that company officials unlawfully influenced the outcome.
UFW lawyers made numerous allegations against the company. However, none were found to have merit by an Administrative Law Judge or the ALRB. In fact, workers represented by the National Right to Work Foundation testified that it was union operatives, not company officials, who attempted to intimidate them.
Despite the UFW’s claims, an Administrative Law Judge upheld the election results on March 1, 2013. After reviewing the case and the UFW’s objections to that ruling, the ALRB also upheld the election results.
“We’re happy to report that the California ALRB has upheld the wishes of the Corralitos Farms employees who decisively voted against unionization last year.” said Patrick Semmens, Vice President of the National Right to Work Foundation. “Employees who vote against a union shouldn’t be ignored because of trumped-up charges filed by union bosses attempting to reverse the outcome of an election they clearly lost.”
Union Thuggery Watch: Bizarre new photos expose Steelworker union intimidation during West VA strike
In an ongoing case involving four West Virginia Constellium Rolled Products workers who continued to work during last fall’s Steelworker union-instigated strike against the company, recently-obtained photos portray the union militants’ intimidation of those workers.
Union militants put up an outhouse featuring a creepy hanging doll’s head and posted signs publicizing the names, addresses, and phone numbers of the workers who continued to work during the strike.
The four workers resigned their union membership in the United Steelworkers (USW) Local 5668 union before they continued to work during the strike. Under federal law, workers who refrain from union membership are exempt from the union’s constitution and bylaws and thus cannot be disciplined for continuing to work during a union boss-ordered strike.
After the strike concluded, the workers received threatening letters from USW Local 5668 union officials stating that the union hierarchy intends to levy retaliatory strike fines against the workers at "the maximum penalty allowed." Union officials also stated that the workers will be placed "at the bottom of the seniority list," which is a clear violation of federal labor law.
With free legal assistance from National Right to Work Foundation staff attorneys, the four workers filed federal charges against the USW Local 5668 union with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) last month.

If you or someone you know has been harassed, intimidated, or threatened by a union, please contact the National Right to Work Foundation at 1-800-336-3600, via email, or by clicking here.