Be among the first to read the July/August edition of the National Right to Work Foundation’s bimonthly newsletter.

In the latest issue of Foundation Action, you can read about some of the Foundation’s most recent cases defending the victims of compulsory unionism abuses – including our cover story about a Connecticut woman targeted by union militants with a harassment campaign that included the planting of cocaine in her office to get her fired.

She’s not alone in facing union intimidation.  Workers in Phoenix are witnessing first-hand Big Labor’s war on the secret ballot, Teamster union officials tried to fine several Chicago truck drivers more than $200,000 when they refused to abandon their jobs during a so-called "sympathy strike," and a Hollywood studio teacher was illegally fired for not joining a union — even though she actually tried to join and was refused membership.

Click here (PDF) to read their full stories and more about what the National Right to Work Foundation is doing to fight back against forced unionism. You may also subscribe to the newsletter free of charge.

Posted on Jun 26, 2009 in Blog