Last Tuesday, Health Care for American Now (HCAN) – a radical coalition that includes bosses from the all-powerful SEIU union, the AFL-CIO, the humilated United Auto Workers (UAW) union and dozens of other unions, along with forced unionism-allies such as the corrupt ACORN group – declared a national day of action.

The expressed goal of this Big Labor/ACORN axis? To create "political villains" by demonizing health care providers across the country.

Every health care proposal proposed by the Congressional Majority is loaded down with Big Labor giveaways that will expand forced unionism, so union boss enthusiasm for health care "reform" shouldn’t surprise anyone. To achieve this forced unionism takeover of American health care, union bosses are pulling out all the stops, including an astro-turfed campaign in collaboration with ACORN.

A Foundation source (who asked to remain anonymous for fear of union retaliation) filled us in on some interesting details about HCAN’s "grassroots activism" in California. Apparently, SEIU bosses from the corruption-riddled "United Long-Term Care Workers" local bused in 300 purple-shirted protesters to harass Blue Cross employees at their offices in downtown Los Angeles.  (The corrupt SEIU Local 434(b) struck it rich in 1999 when Gov. Gray Davis approved a scheme to forcibly unionize home health care independent contractors.  This local union alone saw its revenues rise 5-fold to more than $25 million in forced union dues each year.)

Media reports missed it, but according to our on-scene sources, protesters admitted they were paid and actually promised a free lunch to participate in HCAN’s theatrics.

Paying people to protest on behalf of the union bosses isn’t uncommon, either. Big Labor frequently buses in paid operatives for vicious corporate campaigns supporting efforts underway across America to impose unions on more workers.

This time, however, union bosses have set their sights quite high — indeed, on the entire American health care field, or roughly 16 percent of the country’s struggling economy.

For more about how Big Labor hopes to impose union affiliation and forced dues on America’s unsuspecting health care workers, check out Right to Work President Mark Mix’s op-ed in The Wall Street Journal.

Posted on Sep 28, 2009 in Blog