On Sunday, Denver Post columnist Al Lewis asked with skepticism "Where are the victims of unions?"

It must have struck a nerve out there. Only days later he writes a column with quotes from the "scores" of people who wrote in. Here are a few of the responses Lewis received:

  • "I don’t like the direction they are headed in now… They’ve drifted from protecting the main interest of the working man into the outskirts of politics."
  • "Unions use the same methods as street thugs. They steal the money of hard working people through lies and intimidation."
  • "I unwillingly have $44.75 taken out of my pay check every month. My opinion of the . . . union is . . . we are nothing more than a ‘cash cow.’ "
  • "If the union had to earn its money, it would really make them a better union."

Posted on Jun 17, 2008 in Blog