Today, the Denver Post questioned President Obama’s recess appointment of radical SEIU union lawyer Craig Becker to the National Labor Relations Board, noting how Becker’s biases against workers’ rights:

From the Denver Post:

We question Becker’s ability to be an arbiter enforcing fairness in union elections…Becker served as counsel to both the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and the AFL-CIO. It was [SEIU] president Andy Stern who visited the Obama White House 38 times (at last count), and his union spent a reported $66 million to help the president win election.

The Post continues:

He not only supports so-called “card check,” the Employee Free Choice Act that which would effectively eliminate secret ballots and strip away worker privacy when forming a union, he also advocates for the elimination of the “no union” option from workers’ ballots. And he thinks employers should have no “role in union organizing campaigns and in union representation elections.”

How can Americans expect Becker will exhibit impartiality?

The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, for instance, already has asked Becker to recuse himself from 12 cases because “his prior writings demonstrate a bias against the group.”

Read the whole Denver Post editorial here.

Posted on Apr 2, 2010 in Blog